October 16, 2012

Little Buddy: 22 weeks!

Another week with little buddy has flown by!  I feel like this whole pregnancy is going to just fly by, but I suppose I'm still in the easy part of pregnancy, or maybe not?  I keep waiting for it to get hard and for me to feel really large, and I feel like I'm definitely headed in that direction as my clothes are getting tighter and as pillows between my legs is becoming my new norm.

Little Buddy is now 22 weeks - how has he already gotten to this point?  With each passing day, I get more and more excited to meet him and see our little guy face to face.  I can't wait to kiss his sweet cheeks and hold him tight.  So let's see - he's 11 inches long, the length of a spaghetti squash or the size of a papaya, and almost one pound.  He is starting to look like a miniature newborn.  His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums.  His eyes have formed, but his irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment.

I thought to myself today, if only I could see what he's doing in there!  Is he sleeping?  Tossing and turning?  Are his eyes opened or closed?  Is he bored?  I mean truly - what's he doing in there?  They say that if I could see inside my womb, I'd be able to spot the fine hair that covers his body and the deep wrinkles on his skin, which he'll sport until he adds a padding of fat to fill them in.  Inside his belly, his pancreas - essential for the production of some important hormones - is developing steadily.

They say that my belly should be becoming a hand magnet at this point, and let's just say we have NOT gotten to that point yet.  PRAISE THE LORD!!  My mom and sister are the only ones brave enough to reach for the tummy and they have done the tummy touch, and if I'm honest, it was a little awkward.  They are dying to feel him from the outside of my tummy and he's not that obnoxious quite yet!  I wish he was so that Peter could feel him, but he's not.  People keep telling me I don't even look pregnant or that I'm so tiny, and I suppose I should be pleased with that, but in reality, I want to look how I feel and I FEEL PREGNANT!  My thighs are getting thicker and the mummy tummy as Peter calls it has definitely made an appearance and my clothes are starting to fit all funny, and I told my mom today that I think I'm going to need to do some bra shopping.  I haven't done that in ages, let alone fo a bigger size!

I haven't seen any stretch marks as of yet, but I'll have to take a photo to mark that monumental moment when they do start to appear!  Just kidding!  I haven't noticed any difference in my hair, but I suppose I haven't been shedding nearly as much as I normally do?  And I haven't noticed any extra body hair - not any more than normal to be honest. And my fingernails are still short.  People keep saying I have the pregnancy glow, and I'm starting to believe them after hearing it so often!  When I look in the mirror, I just see myself, maybe with a rounder face, but more or less I think my skin looks the same.  Still haven't noticed any abnormal swelling, and my feet are still the same size and I can still get my rings on and off.

I have definitely had moments where my back was a little bit sore, or where it felt extremely nice to sit down.  I am definitely out of breath when I do simple things like climb a flight of stairs or go for long walks or hikes.  My belly button is still an innie, no outtie on this tummy quite yet, but baby is definitely starting to invade my space.  With each passing day, I am becoming more and more aware of little buddy's presence in there!  They say he's sleeping in cycles now - about 12 to 14 hours per day, once again, I wish I could see him in there, but alas, I can't.  And I am happy to say that I am sleeping a whole lot better these days, with my unisom and my pillows.

My latest task is researching the essential baby items for the registry...strollers, car seats, cribs, carriers, bottles, oh my!  I have to keep reminding myself that Peter and I are simple people and we desire simple things, that are easy to use, easy to store, and don't force us into bankruptcy with their purchase! And let me tell you - there are some great items out there and some great inventions, like the peepee teepees!  Love them.

Until next week,

Malia and LB

1 comment:

  1. LB is getting so big!! :) And you look GREAT for being 22 weeks pregnant - seriously! Thirty is going to be an incredible year for you!

    I also love that I can just read your blog to know where my baby will be development-wise in a few weeks. No need to search the web. ;)


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