October 15, 2012

The BIG 30!

So today is my 30th birthday, and I don't feel any different really!  Should I?  Everyone keeps asking me how I feel about turning 30, and I keep saying...I'm right where I imagined I would be.  I mean if you would have asked my 20 year old self where I thought I would be in 10 years, I probably would have said "married, with kids, and a home, and a job I enjoy!"

And I know those aren't extremely lofty goals, but I can honestly say, I am extremely satisfied with where I am.  I am married to a man I love and adore and let's be honest, I think I slightly worship him at times.  And I know it's wrong, and trust me, I know he's just a man, and he isn't perfect, neither am I, but my husband is simply amazing!  And yes, I am tooting his horn, but someone has to do it.  I feel so beyond blessed to have met that man, and I feel so honored to be sharing life with him.  And I just hope and pray that all my friends are crazy in love and just as happy in marriage as we are.

And now onto the second goal...kid(s).  Now, I haven't gotten to the point where I can add an S onto the end of that K word, but we are on our way to achieving the singular goal.  As you all know, Little Buddy is growing away in my mummy tummy, as my loving husband, Peter, likes to call it!  And granted, I won't have the privilege of holding Little Buddy in my arms until I'm over the 30 year mark, but I think I can safely say this goal is on it's way to being achieved.

And we have been homeowners for a year and a half now, which is just crazy!  Our house has gone from this to this to this.  Since moving in we have painted walls, redone the entire yard, planted all sorts of items, and installed new windows!  We still have a long list of things to accomplish, like redoing the bathroom, painting the exterior, and remodeling the closet into LB's mini room, which simply entails painting the closet walls and installing new shelves.

And my job...oh my job.  I have been there for a whole YEAR now!  And I will write more about that later, but I truly can't believe how fast the time has flown by.  I feel so very blessed to be there!

So tell me...where were you when you were 30?  Where were you living?  What were you doing with yourself?  Were you married?  Did you have kids?

I have been asking all sorts of people this question and it has been so fun to hear their responses.  Some say 30 was one of their best years, some had just had their first child or their second, some were going through a midlife crisis, while others were living in faraway places like Kenya or Ethiopia, some had been married for years, while others had just gotten married.

Everyone's life takes a different path - I would love to hear what path yours took!

Praising God for 30 years of life and praying for 30 years more!


  1. Happy Birthday! I won't lie, as a child 30 sounded so old. Now, at
    22, I'm thinking 30 sounds like the new 20.

  2. Sad I missed the bday dinner photo shoot! You girls look absolutely radiant.


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