February 10, 2011

Home Owners.

So as I mentioned in the previous post, Peter and I put an offer on a house.  The title of this post may be slightly deceiving because it's not OFFICIAL yet, but we finally agreed on a price and what not, had an inspection and are in the process of doing a sewer scope (sounds intriguing right??) before we officially agree on the deal!

In the past week, Peter and I have had our doubts, which is normal right considering its a huge commitment and a huge chunk of money, and we don't REALLY know what we are getting ourselves into.  I keep wondering if we are really READY for a house - I mean should we wait till I have another job, thus more money and then we could afford something bigger?  But then my smart husband reminds me that bigger doesn't necessarily mean better because we don't want to be House Poor and the reality is my husband is right - we don't want to be House Poor.  We don't want to be so bound to our mortgage that we can't do anything besides pay the bills.  I mean we still want to travel to exotic places and do adventurous things because if we stopped doing those things then we wouldn't be us.

So there ya have it folks - we are nearly home owners and it is exciting!  I thought about putting a link to the house on the blog, but then refrained, considering that may be a little weird for people in the blogging world to have access to our address.  I don't mind sharing tidbits about my life and names here and there, but an address? - that may be taking things a little too far and bringing us to a level of intimacy that I may not be all that comfortable with...yet.  So for now these photos will serve to satiate your appetite!

Here is our little house in all it's 770 square foot glory...well it's not ours YET!  P.S. I love the colors of the walls, the hardwood floors, the windows, the yard, etc, etc, but I absolutely DESPISE the paint color in the bathroom.  Any suggestions?  Also it has a covered back porch and a hot tub! and a HUGE garage for our single car - so loads of storage!  And fruit trees...all sorts along with blueberry bushes.  Can you tell I am a little excited?  It is small, but if we can live in an apartment that is 690 square feet for 1.5 years I think we can handle 770.  It's the perfect size for just Peter and I, and maybe one baby, but multiple babies?  It's probably a little too small for multiple babies (don't get any ideas because I am 100% sure that I am NOT pregnant!).


  1. Congratulations! It's adorable! How exciting for you two:)

  2. LOVE it! It's so cute and I can totally see you guys there. How fun to hear the news from you tonight. Keep us posted!


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