February 10, 2011

Ipod Dock.

So I had one of these things years ago until it died on me probably after too much use!  Well for some STRANGE reason my Ipod doesnt play on my computer - could that be because my ipod is old and maybe not compatible or something wierd like that?  Well folks, I already thought about that and if that was the case then it wouldn't bother playing via Peter's computer.  And I have been DYING for an ipod dock for ages, but who wants to spend $50 on something that could play via a computer right?

So thanks to my Aunts generous Christmas gift which consisted of a gift certificate to the happiest place on Earth (TARGET) we purchased our very own Ipod dock.  It was a difficult choice to be honest - I mean they have everything there..and we could have used it on anything.  I even thought about buying things we actually really NEEDED ...like FOOD!  But I figured we had gone too long without one, so after much consideration and even more thought we decided to take the plunge and bought this one!  We chose this one because the price was right and it was $10 off - so we figured we would end up spending like $5 of our own money on it!  And we were right - and its been amazing!  It even has its own little travel case and the speakers fold down so you can take it with you whenever and wherever you go!

So far, absolute BEST purchase of 2011!!  For the first few nights after buying it,  I would come home from somewhere and Peter would be rocking out to some tune of his liking - so apparently I'm not the only one who won in this situation.  So consider buying yourself an ipod dock if you don't have one already.  Target has a fairly large selection.

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