October 12, 2012

Little Buddy: 21 weeks and a bit!

As I type this post I'm sitting on a couch in California!  I have had this post partially written since Monday, and now since Little Buddy is about 21 and a half weeks old, I figured I should get it posted!

So let's see, Little buddy is currently the size of a pomegranate (10.5 inches and 12.7 ounces) and his eyebrows and lids are fully present.  Crazy to think how much he's grown in the past few weeks and how much my baby belly has grown too!  Things are starting to feel really tight - we shall see how much longer I can wear my pre-pregnancy clothes.  Some things are getting hard to zip, like the yellow dress in the above photo!  And let's just say some of my tops have gotten REALLY tight - and it's getting hard to button and zip up certain ones, and that has NEVER EVER been an issue with me before, so this is definitely new territory.

This past week I have had a terrible time sleeping.  I think I wrote about that last week as well.  So I figured I should take charge of my sleeping issues - and I bought some Unisom, which is good for morning sickness and also serves as a sleeping aid, and I have been sticking only to my left side when sleeping, and every time I wake up I force myself to get up out of bed to go to the bathroom. I have been doing this for the past few nights and I have only woken up 2 times in the middle of the night instead of 6!

What else?  They say that we should be thinking about baby names right about now...but little do they know Peter and I have had names picked out since the first trimester, or maybe even the first few weeks!  We are still tossing around middle names and won't officially land on a name until we meet the little guy.  They also say, I may be getting a preview of some third trimester symptoms, like leaky boobs - and let's just say that has NOT been an issue, Braxton hicks contractions - pretty sure I have not experienced those, and heartburn - have definitely experienced this, which is just strange!  I have never had heartburn and let's just say I'm not a fan - it hasn't happened all that often, but still, it's strange!  And I have definitely started scratching my itchy stomach, which they say is normal considering my skin is stretching over my growing bump.  I haven't noticed any swelling or any vericose veins, but I'm sure those symptoms will come in time.

They also say that as baby's digestive system preps for the outside world, he's manufacturing meconium - the tarry black substance you'll find in his first dirty diaper!  And if baby was a girl, which he's not, but if he was, baby would already have a lifetime's supply of eggs in baby's womb - about six million of them.  Isn't that just crazy?  As one friend said...if baby was a girl, she would be carrying my grandbaby in there at 21 weeks.  Isn't that just strange to think about?

Little Buddy has been moving around like crazy in there, and it's become my new normal to feel him moving around throughout the day!  In fact, he's moving around as I type this.  I can't wait till Peter can feel baby moving from the outside.  We had our 20 week ultrasound last week, and he's right on target in regards to all his measurements and his growth.  And they confirmed that yes, we are having a boy!  The ultrasound tech said I'm carrying him really low, and although he has loads of room to move around in there, he just isn't utilizing the space and he's just hanging out in the lower part of my tummy, and this I can tell.  I have to go to the bathroom ALL the time!

So that's all for this week folks...baby is growing and mom is growing right along with him!  My project for the next week or so involves a gift registry and sorting out baby must haves for our lovely 770 square feet home.


Malia and LB


  1. I just love reading your updates! I can't wait to meet this little guy!

  2. So fun, Malia! Isnt it GREAT feeling him move around? Indeed a little buddy...

  3. It's a boy! I am so excited to meet him. You are adorable. Love you tons!


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