October 4, 2012

Little Buddy: 20 weeks!

Little buddy is 20 weeks and a few days, maybe more!  I have been able to feel him moving more and more with each passing day.  I wish my stomach was translucent so I could see him moving around in there, but I suppose that would be slightly strange!  I am touching my stomach all the time, trying to feel a solid kick or a little squirm, and hoping that he lasts long enough for his Dad to feel him moving, but alas, it hasn't happened yet.  

I am at the pregnancy midpoint, which is simply crazy, and it's crazy to think that baby just gets bigger from here on it, which ultimately means, my stomach will stretch to unbelievable lengths, and I too will be getting bigger from here on out.  I definitely have a bit of a bump, but I'm looking forward to the day when it is noticeably distinguishable.  They say that my hair and nails should be growing noticeably faster and thicker.  Well let's just say, I got my haircut last week, and I haven't noticed much of a difference, and well...my nails are still short.  I suppose it might help if I were to stop biting them!

Little buddy now weighs about 10.5 ounces, and he's around 6.5 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel, and he's the length of a banana.  They say that the top of my uterus is about level with my belly button, which probably explains the bit of growth in the baby bump arena.  Also, Baby's swallowing more these days, practicing for his digestive system. 

I have not been sleeping well - waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, or to change sleeping positions, and that is just NOT fun!  I woke up twice last night to little taps on my shoulder - and it was Peter informing me that I was sleeping on my back.  Bless that man!  So glad he's back, but can't wait for him to overcome his jet lag, so that he's sleeping through the night and not tapping me on the shoulder.  Guess you aren't suppose to be sleeping on your back and unfortunately I informed my husband of this fact.  Let it be known - I am a major back sleeper.  And it makes me sad to think that when I sleep on my back the weight of my uterus is pressing down on some major blood vessels and possibly preventing blood flow to myself and the baby.  Little does the husband know that my body wakes me up before long anyways, forcing me to change positions.  I'm imagining this whole sleeping thing isn't going to get any better as time goes on, is it?  I suppose I may have to start taking naps to catch up on the sleep I'm missing out on!

Another thing I have noticed lately is that I have this burning sensation in my throat. It's happened twice now, and I'm thinking it's heartburn or acid reflux?  But I don't even know!  I have never experienced anything like this before. And I have definitely had my bouts of dizziness when getting up from bed or the couch or something like that.  And I experienced my first leg cramp - it was a calf cramp, and oh man it hurt!  It literally woke me up from a deep sleep on Saturday and I didn't know what to do - it hurt so bad!  I thought it could have been from the heels I wore for 7 hours the night before, which could still be the case I suppose?  I never wear heels and my legs simply were not use to it, especially those calves, but I think the whole pregnancy thing may have contributed something to it.  Who knows! Still no swelling that I have noticed, but my belly button does look a bit different. 

Still wearing my pre-pregnancy clothes, which consists of ALOT of dresses, leggings, tights, and boots/flats.  I have noticed that my jackets and sweaters are a bit more tight across the chest and tummy and not so easy to button!

We have our big ultrasound today, and Peter and I can't wait to see little buddy!  We have been waiting weeks for this appointment - it will be crazy to see how much he has grown in 5 weeks.  And although we think we know little buddy's gender, I can't wait for the tech to confirm it!  Stay tuned!

Until next week,


1 comment:

  1. I too am a back sleeper and when I was pregnant with Levi my OB said I could sleep on my back if I elevate one hip. So I went out and bought this small pregnancy wedge [http://www.amazon.com/Boppy-Pregnancy-Wedge-Cotton-Slipcover/dp/B00063EDF4] and it worked like a charm. It definitely was a little weird at first but if you are jones'n for some sleep, it's worth it to try.


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