December 3, 2012

Little Buddy: 29 weeks!


So I'm now a few weeks into my Third Trimester!  How did this happen?  Crazy to think that we will meet our little buddy in just a few months.  I feel like so much has to be done and accomplished before his arrival, but let's be honest, will I ever feel fully ready for him to come?  Will I ever reach a point where I feel like everything is accomplished?  I think I have just been putting things off for months and months, and now I'm starting to feel like it's crunch time, especially since we are going to be out of town for 3 weeks in Ireland.

Anyhow, enough about all that.  Let's talk about the baby!  He's the size of an acorn squash, and he weighs abut 2.5 pounds, and they say he will triple in weight before birth.

He's been moving a LOT more these days, and I find myself just staring down at my tummy, watching him doing his thing in there.  I wish I could see him!  He seems to sleep alot though, and he's most active at night.  Makes me wonder if he will keep this pattern up when he enters into this outer world.  As little buddy grows, he continues to put pressure on my digestive system, and they say that I'm going to start feeling the effects: hemorrhoids, heartburn, pelvic pain and frequent urination are all common at this stage.  Fun times huh?  I definitely have to go to the bathroom ALOT, but that's my new normal - so I'm getting use to it and I'm getting really good at holding it.  I know it's terrible, but sometimes I just can't be bothered.  And my first bottle of tums is almost finished, but I have started taking them more as a preventative measure for heartburn and if I am honest, I haven't really experienced heartburn lately.  And my bellybutton hasn't converted to an outie just yet, but I'm sure it will soon enough.

And they say that now is a good time to start finalizing stuff, like stocking the nursery and checking out potential day cares, and packing my bag for the hospital.  Little do they know that we just emptied out our little closet this past weekend and we have yet to paint it or fill it with anything.  Little do they know that I'm leaving the country for 3 weeks and coming back 6 weeks before LB's due date.  Little do they know that I'll be having a baby shower a month before LB's arrival.  I sure hope LB knows he isn't allowed to come early!!

With each passing week, I realize just how unprepared I feel for this adventure into mommyhood to be honest.  I haven't read any books.  We haven't taken any classes - we are hoping to, but I've put it off until after Ireland.  I suppose I could sign us up for something!  I don't have a birth plan, nor do I have any idea what I should bring with me to the hospital.  We don't have a pediatrician nor have we sorted out childcare or work schedules once maternity leave ends.  And as I type all of this, my heart starts to beat a little faster! And it just makes me tired thinking about it all. And in the end, I know it will all get sorted before LB's arrival, and if it doesn't, then I suppose it's not that urgent. And I suppose I should make the most of my time in Ireland - and I should read some books and cross some things off my list and do even more research.

Other than the fact that I have had a few freak out moments, I'm feeling really great!  I'm not exercising nearly as much as I should, and I find myself making all sorts of excuses.  Oh it's too dark - oh it's raining - oh I don't want to join a gym until after we come back from Ireland - or maybe I should just wait until after the baby is born.  Blah, blah, blah - it's either one thing or another.  I am definitely not resting enough, and I could use many more hours of sleep, but it's so incredibly hard for me to go to bed early, and let's be honest, I'm tired all of the time!  However, when I DO sleep, I sleep great!  I definitely toss and turn a bit and I get up just once in the night for the bathroom or sometimes I'm too stubborn and I just hold it.  Probably not the best idea, but sometimes I just can't be bothered.

I definitely feel like things have slowed down around our household and it's so hard for me to get motivated to do simple things like fold the laundry or clean the house, and when I do things, it may take me a few days to complete the task rather than the usual few hours!  I have finally learned how to extend grace to myself, and this has been such a blessing!

Any advice, words of wisdom are greatly appreciated!


Malia and LB

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