January 27, 2013

I'm coming home!

I'm coming home!  Those are the words Little Buddy would have spoken to us on Thursday if only the little guy could speak.  Here are some photos of him without the feeding tube and without the monitors - kind of freaked me out to see the blank screen!

It all reminds me of the song "I'm Coming home" by Skylar Grey.  The lyrics go something like this...

I'm Coming Home
I'm Coming Home
Tell the World I'm coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday.
I know my Kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home, I'm coming home
Tell the World I'm coming home

This song sums up so much of what I'm feeling!  He's coming home and I will tell the world he's coming home.  And I will let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday.  It's all so good!

Anyhow, I have been dying to write about the happenings over the past few days, but I haven't in case something changed.  Didn't want to jinx it or anything, but it seems as if God heard our cries!

So let me back up a bit...we came into the hospital for our regular hospital visit on Wednesday, and Little Buddy was taking quite a few of his feeds by bottle, and we were so proud.  But we asked to speak to a nurse practitioner so we could ask her what the latest thoughts were on him being discharged, considering another nurse practitioner had told us last Sunday that he would be home within the week.  Well the week was upon us and halfway completed, and we had yet to hear an update.

And I needed to sort out his insurance - was he going to stay on my plan or was he going to go with a different insurance company that was a whole lot cheaper!  And this we needed to sort out by Saturday considering that's when his 21 days would be up.  Oh so many silly decisions to be made, and we didn't have any answers because everything was on Jack's time, which sounds silly considering he's only 36 weeks, but it's the truth.

So when we met with the nurse practitioner she told us it could be another two weeks!  TWO WEEKS??  Are you kidding me?  But we thought he was doing so good with his feedings!  Peter and I left Wednesday feeling so defeated and just plain tired.  We had been coming to the hospital every single day since December 31 and if you ask me...that's a LOT of time spent at the hospital.  Far more time than I have ever spent at the hospital before and far more than I ever wanted to.

And then on Thursday, I came into his little room, and I was adjusting the little hat on his head and I turned his face from side to side and HIS FEEDING TUBE WAS MISSING!!  Rumor has it he pulled it out in the middle of the night - I suppose he was declaring that he was done with that thing!  I couldn't believe it - and of course I got all teary eyed and sent Peter a text message considering he was on the phone in a different part of the building.  I was dying to chat with a nurse, and when they finally came around to his room, I asked about his feeding tube, and they said well...looks like Jack is going home tomorrow!!  To be honest, I didn't even know how to respond.  I think I might have laughed to be honest.

I just remember thinking - really??  The nurse had told us the DAY before that it could be two weeks and you are telling me that he's going to come home tomorrow!  I remember thinking - I need more time.  We aren't quite ready for him.  We still need diapers and we need to finish his little closet and we have errands to run.  Makes me laugh to think about it all because let's be honest, I was never going to feel fully ready for this little bundle of joy!

Peter and I left the hospital on Thursday stunned and with a few more things on our to do list.  And I am now happy to say Little Buddy is within the walls of our home and it feels so surreal to be honest.

Will write more later!  I promise.



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