from the Nicu to five months
So you are actually six months old now, but I couldn't post your six month post until I had posted your five month post! I can't believe how big you have gotten, and the crazy thing are just going to get bigger from here on out. There will be no going back to your original 4 lbs 2 oz and those preemie clothes. I kind of want to cry when I think about you as a teenage boy going through puberty...bahhh...and becoming a man...ahh...(tears) ...I can't imagine you any other way than the way you are right now. Our little guy ...who we just smother with kisses and hug extra tight...our little guy who let's me dress him and change his diaper...our little guy who simply needs us in order to fulfill his basic needs...our little guy who smells the sweetest of smells. I know this day will end, and you may not always smell so sweet, but today, I just want to focus on the fact that you have aged a month...just one month.
Last month was the first time I went through your closet and drawers and tucked some of your clothes away in storage - strange to think you will never wear those items again. And I must admit I get a little emotional thinking about that. I mean the reality is...we all age, I mean that's what birthdays are all about right? Celebrating another year of wisdom and growth? But I suppose it's different when you are an don't change too much from year to year, maybe you start seeing some gray hairs or maybe you are walking around with some extra weight that you just can't get rid of, but for the most part, my height and weight have stayed pretty much the same over the past 5 years or more (minus the pregnancy part). And I even have clothes that I have have since my freshman year of college...that still fit!
But when you are a baby it's so different...I mean they grow SO fast! And I know everyone always says that, but the reality is it's true. I change your clothes way more now simply because you have to get a few wears in before you can't wear them anymore!
We think you weigh 15 lbs, but let's say at 5 months you weighed 13 or 14 lbs. You truly are so sweet, and such a good natured baby. Everyone always comments on how good you will just sit in your carseat or your bumbo chair and watch us make dinner in the kitchen. You are more than happy to entertain yourself, most of the time! During the day you are a dream (we definitely have naptime issues occasionally), but the night time is a whole different story. You were doing so good at night time - sleeping 5-6 hour stretches, and then something happened. Maybe things changed when I started breastfeeding you exclusively instead of bottle feeding you? Maybe it was the 4 month sleep regression (technically you were 3.5 months at this stage) that I kept reading about? We had no idea what it was...and continues to be. But let's just say mom and dad are more than a little sleep deprived.
But when I see your sweet face, it makes up for the interrupted sleep. Here are a few photos from his 5 month photoshoot - so funny to see the progression of these photos. I love the last one of him crying...I know, it's terrible that his crying face is so cute right?
You have been drooling ALOT! I think it's the start of all things teething. You absolutely love having items in your mouth, especially your hands. You discovered your thumb this month, but you haven't quite figured out that it can serve as a soothing mechanism. You only suck on it when you are bored, which happens quite a bit these days. This was the month where we realized we were going to have to start entertaining you a lot more. You fall asleep alot when breastfeeding, which may contribute to the fact that I think you are hungry and that's why you haven't been sleeping that well.
We have become those parents that just love watching their child...we thought we would never be THOSE parents, but seriously, how can you not stare at this sweet face and smother it with kisses?
You are getting so much better at tummy time and doing such a great job holding your head up. You love to eat and you are getting better at sleeping (during the day) - for awhile there you weren't napping at all, we kept missing all of your cues, and you kept turning into a monster (again, I'm wondering if it was because he was hungry!!). You LOVE your activity mat and you have had a few moments in your bumbo. You have started talking to yourself and have the sweetest little giggle.
I could write for days about you. Right now you are taking a nap - you have been asleep for 1.5 hours, and I keep going in your room to stare at you. All sweet and peaceful with one arm tucked under the blanket and the other arm sticking out and grabbing onto your lovie (little bear blanket). And as your chest rises and falls, with each breath you take, my heart have absolutely no idea how much we love you. You have no idea how blessed we are to have you in our lives. You have changed me Jack Emmet and I hope and pray it's for the better! Here's to another month of life.
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