We did it...we moved Jack to his own room a few months ago, and I remember saying to Peter, "This is the end of an era." Don't think I didn't cry a little bit! But the child was over 4 months old at the time, and we figured we were going to need to pull the band-aid eventually. I think the transition was harder on us than it was on Jack.
I had high hopes for this room transition. Everyone kept saying... "Oh, everything will get so much better when he's in his own room...everyone will sleep so much better." And if I'm honest, that has not been the case. We sleep with both bedroom doors closed, so I'm not waking up to the little noises he makes in the night, but I do still wake up to him crying at least 2 times a night.
And although Jack is in his own room, he's still in his little bassinet, right beside the crib. See photo above. I know, we need to transition him into his actual crib before he grows out of it. But right now we are all about the baby steps. And you pick your battles and the battle we are choosing to pick right now is the battle with sleep, not the battle with his crib. Maybe we should think about doing both at the same time?
I should say we have been trying out his crib this past week and the first night, he woke up every single hour. And let's be honest, I just can't have that - so halfway through the night we moved him to his bassinet. And the second night, we didn't even bother with the crib. And the third night, he was in the crib all night, and he's napping in the crib right now as I type. So I think that's an improvement, right?
Let's just say we are a little sleep deprived and every night is an adventure in this house! And mom is really good at going right back to sleep, while dad on the other hand, is learning.
Here's to the end of an era and Jack growing up! Pretty soon he's going to reach the weight maximum on that bassinet - and we won't have any other choice but to force him into his crib. However, the weight limit is 25 lbs - so I suppose he has a ways to go! And if everything continues as it is, then the crib transition won't be an issue at all.
We shall see!
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