July 26, 2013

The Husband.

this photo was taken the day LB was born

So Peter celebrated his first proper Father's Day back in June.  And I say his first proper one because we found out just 4 days before Father's Day last year that we were having a baby!  And I should have written a Father's Day post this year, but I didn't, and I figured it doesn't have to be Father's Day for me to write about my darling husband.

This photo of Peter takes me back to that day...they day our lives changed...the day LB was born.  And what a day it was.  Our dear friends, Laura and Tim, had come to visit us at the hospital, and we were showing Laura the little hat another friend had made for Jack.  And Laura couldn't get over how teeny tiny it was - so she took a picture of Peter holding it of course.  Peter looks mischievous and so tired in the photo.  And I don't blame him, we had been living at the hospital for a full week at that time, and neither of us were getting much sleep.

I have loved this man for a long time, and I have known him for even longer.  And one characteristic that remains true of my husband to this day is that this man is LOYAL.  I remember him saying, after I was admitted to the hospital,  "I'll just stay somewhere nearby and come visit every day."  He knew how terrible that pull out couch thing was going to be to sleep on and after the first night, he realized just how much his sleep was going to be interrupted by the nurses. Umm...yeah right!  That man didn't leave my side.  Well, actually that's a lie, he went home to pack up some of the essentials for the both of us considering we didn't have a single thing packed.  But he was there every single night...when it mattered the most.  He was my biggest advocate, and he was there every step of the way.

And now, here we are ...Parents.  And I must say there is something truly beautiful about seeing Peter with Jack - this child that God used Peter and I both to create.  Peter has entered into this new role so gracefully and with so much joy, and to be honest, I didn't expect anything less.  Granted, I know for a fact he doesn't enjoy the late nights and the disrupted sleep, but I also know that he adores his son.  And he absolutely loves being his dad.

And seeing them together makes my heart ache.  He finds so much joy in making Jack giggle or watching him roll over or feeding him.  He finds so much joy in taking care of his family,  changing Jack's diaper (only the non-poopy ones!!), cooking food for dinner, and the list could go on.  I am blessed.

I truly can't imagine doing this new parent thing alone.  Peter keeps me sane, and he keeps me laughing.  And he partners with me so beautifully in life and in raising Jack.  He is so hands on, and so willing to participate in all of Jack's care, and I am so thankful for him, for the way he loves me, for the way he loves our son.

This whole being a parent thing has changed him a little - made his heart a little softer, made his touch a little more tender, made his love run even deeper.  And it has been such a blessing to see.  Thank you Jesus for this man!  Jack and I are so blessed to have him in our lives.

The End - no need for me to gush anymore, I think you get the point!

But I will leave you with a few of my favorite Father/Son photos....

1 comment:

  1. I feel like I had the privilage of watching you grow up Malia! You were a sweet little sorority girl, and now you are a mom...so proud of you..and yes..you picked a pretty amazing man to be such a great dad to your son.


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