December 3, 2013


No, I didn't spell Thanksgiving wrong, it was intentional.

On Thanksgiving morning I turned to my husband and asked him to list five things he was thankful for.  And you know what he did?  He said me and Jack, and then he listed nicknames for the both of us to finish off his list of five.

I of course wasn't going to let that slide - so I said each thing listed had to be unique.  I suppose I should have told him the rules ahead of time right?

So he then went on to say, not necessarily in this order...

1. my wife
2. my son
3. Jesus
4. God's provision financially
5. and if I'm honest, I can't remember the fifth one.

And then of course he turned the question back to me...and I of course had to copy some of the things he listed.

1. my husband
2. my son
3. Jesus
4. my health
5. Jack's health!

And the funny thing is, so many of those things listed sound so cliche.  How easy is it for us to forget what we are thankful for?  And why is it that we need to set aside a day to give thanks?  Shouldn't we be giving thanks daily?

How easy is it for me to take all of those things for granted?  It's as if I feel I am entitled to a husband, a child, a relationship with the Lord, a healthy body with a functioning heart and a son that is gaining weight rapidly.  The reality is, I'm entitled to none of it.  It is all a blessing from the Lord, and I quite often forget to give thanks.  I quite often get frustrated with the husband, with the son, with the lack of sleep, with the extra pounds of baby weight that I just can't shake off my body, with my own limitations.  And I forget the countless ways the Lord has blessed us. 

Let me show you the ways.

I am so thankful for my partner in life - and I'm especially thankful that he can grow such a manly mustache!  I love this man so deeply.  And I'm so thankful for family that will watch our little guy while we step out of the house for a bit.

And I'm so thankful for the newest man in my life.  Everyone kept saying - oh he will bring so much joy to your life!  And I can honestly say, I had no idea just how much.

And I'm thankful for great grandmas that just love on my son.  Jack is blessed to have 4 great grandmas that are still living!  Isn't that just crazy?

And I'm thankful for my family!

I want to start living in such a way that I'm continually giving thanks.  I want to start thanksliving.  I want to start giving thanks every single day for all the blessings in my life - will you join me?

Until next time,


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