A few days ago we traveled to the North Coast - Portballintrae to be exact. I love the North Coast, and maybe that's because I love being so close to the water. Or maybe it's because that's where Giant's Causeway is, and I think the hexagonal stones are the coolest thing. Or maybe it's because that's where Peter proposed to me all those years ago (read about that here). Anyhow, regardless of the reason, the reality is I love this place. So the road trip up north was blessed and filled with anticipation.
And it just so happens that Peter's grandparents have a house in Portballintrae right across from the beach where they spent much of their childhood. So of course we had to make a stop by the house to document our presence there.
Me and my little lovie.

All of these photos are taken by the one and only Peter Drennan.
The house is called Green Gables.
The house from across the road.
And we were so lucky to have Auntie Ruth come visit us from Dublin for the night. And I was so blessed by her joining us on our journey to the North Coast. We love her so, and I especially love the new hat she knit Jack to match the sweater she made him months ago.
And we couldn't drive to the North Coast without making a stop at Bushmills. We just visited the gift shop so we could bring a few bottles of whiskey home - planning to stow them away in our suitcase.
And that's all folks - we have had many adventures since being here and we have spent quite a bit of time in the car. Keep you posted on the latest!
Much love,
The Drennan's
I am bookmarking this post for my giant "Ireland Travel" folder! Will have to talk to you all about the best way to drive around and whatnot:)