July 29, 2014

Little Buddy #2 Gender Reveal

What do you think ...boy or girl?

So...my mom's an ultrasound tech and she works for a bunch of OB's so this kind of ultrasound was right up her alley! She has done the very first ultrasound for both babies to determine just how far along I am as well as the gender ultrasounds. However, we found out Jack was in fact a boy at 15 weeks, and with this one, it took us a little bit longer to actually get ourselves to Silverdale (3 hours on Friday to be exact!).

Anyhow, we found out LB2's gender about 1.5 weeks before our scheduled anatomy ultrasound at Northwest. I'm assuming the second one which is in about a week will simply confirm what my mom already told us!

If someone was to ask me for a percentage breakdown of my gender thoughts, it would have been like 48% boy, 52% girl. So not much of a difference, but a smidge of a difference nonetheless. 

But if someone was to ask me for my preference...I probably responded with boy! I know, I know...obviously who wouldn't want both genders in their family, right? But it's just that I have a boy...so I know what to expect with boys (sort of), and we have all the stuff for a boy. And after we had Jack I made the statement that I was probably going to be one of those boy moms! So that's just stuck with me, and if I'm honest, I love being a boy mom...so far at least. And if I'm really honest, girls kind of scare me. I mean there are so many clothing options and I have a hard enough time dressing myself as it is...haha. As I said to a friend recently...boys have t-shirts and jeans and girls have outfits!

However, amidst all these thoughts I did have a dream a few months ago that our second baby was a girl, and with Jack, I had a dream that he was a boy! And I was right on with him. And everyone was guessing we were having a girl, so a part of me began to believe that we were. 

So with all that being said...what do you think? Boy or girl?

Watch the video below to find out!


The Drennan Family of Four


  1. Congrats!!! After you mentioned the dream thing, I thought for sure it would be a girl. Both times I had a dream that it was a girl, it was in fact a girl. The boys I didn't have dreams of when I was pregnant. So, I was sure it was a girl when you said that. Alas, you're still a "boy mom." Does it really matter? Not at all!

  2. Hooray hooray for another boy! Boys are so much fun


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