November 13, 2014

Dear Jack {18 months}

Dear Jack,

I can't even believe that you are officially 18 months. I sent a photo of you to your dad today and he said the photo made him get all emotional.

The reality is...with each passing day we have to face the reality that you are growing up! You have become Mr. Independent over the past few months...and your little personality has really begun to shine. You no longer have any traces of that 4 lb baby that first entered our life. You are growing into such a fantastic little person. You are only saying a few words, but even with a limited vocabulary, you definitely know how to get your point across...whether that means pointing like a mad man at something you want or making noises combined with pointing your finger.

You definitely have preferences and likes and dislikes. You love reading in your crib after nap love books. Alot of times now you are perfectly content just sitting on the ground, flipping through books, they could be upside down, backwards, what have you..and you love it all the same. you babble alot..and sometimes i think you are waiting on a full on response from me.

You love to laugh and you are filled with so much joy! You are so easily entertained and can play by yourself for hours.

You are such a blessing to all of us! You have changed our life in so many ways and truly transformed who I am as a person for the better. You will never fully know the impact you have had on our family and our marriage. And I have never known so much joy and so much laughter.

You truly are our little buddy, the nickname couldn't be more fitting. And we love you so much!



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