July 20, 2016

Anatomy of Trust

So at one of my MOPS sessions at church this past year we watched Brene Brown's latest video on the Anatomy of Trust. And I've spoken to so many people about it and the takeaways from it. So I thought I'd share it with you!

First off, what does the word TRUST even mean to you?

And as you sit and ponder, I'm sure your mind can't help but go to the people and the moments where trust has been broken.

Doesn't that word TRUST carry so much weight? And what does it even mean?

When someone says, I don't trust you, or I don't feel trusted, what does that even mean? There are so many emotions wrapped up in it all that I think it's hard for us to even define it.

According to Google, trust is defined as a "firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something."

Okay that's great, but now what?

When someone has broken trust with us, how have they done that? Or better yet, what have they actually done? And same for someone you trust, why is it that you actually trust them?

In the Anatomy of Trust, Brene brown, breaks down the word so that we can better understand it and better understand the act that has led to this distrust. And in order to do this, she has created an acronym, BRAVING, to do this.

BRAVING stands for boundaries, reliability, accountability, vault, integrity, nonjudgment, and generosity.

And after reading over these areas of trust (boundaries, reliatiblity, accountability, vault, integretiy, nonjudgment, genorosity), what area of trust do you need to work on in your own relationships and lives? And what area comes easiest for you?

There is so much I'd love to write and summarize about her talk, but I'd rather just have you watch it for yourself! It's worth it, I promise!

You can watch the video in it's entirety HERE, but you can also catch a clip of it below where she shares about trust and the marble jar.

Obviously, I think her talk about TRUST is a good one, but I'm biased as I always really love her words and the power behind them. They always cause me to reflect on who I am and who I am called to be. And they always spur on conversations with other women and how we can encourage each other to be more vulnerable and self aware and transparent and trustworthy.

And here are the discussion questions just in case you wanted to share them with others.
1. Who are your marble jar people?
2. What kinds of things do people do to fill that marble jar?
3. Can you think of a sliding door moment?
4. In her acronym BRAVING (Boundaries, Reliability, Accountability, Vault, Integrity, Non-Judgement, Generosity), is there one of the components that you wrestle/identify with the most? why?
5. How is your own internal marble jar?

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