Post from the husband
Jack Emmet and Ryan Alexander. This is your dad, before he got really old and grey (or is it gray?)
Jack Emmet and Ryan Alexander. This is your dad, before he got really old and grey (or is it gray?)
These past nine months, which is
half of your burgeoning life Ryan, have been one rocky road for me and your
wonderful Mamma. I am hoping that when you read this it will be all but a
distant memory to all of us. A moment that with the 20/20 vision of hindsight will
seem to be a time filled with opportunity and light. Hopefully.
But to be honest right now it feels
like I am groping in the dark looking for a light switch that someone keeps
moving just out of my reach. In my foolishness I am tripping and falling over,
trying to run in the dark when I should sit still or maybe just crawl…On
October 15th, 2015 I lost my job. The non profit I worked for, believed in, and
shed tears for ran out of money. This felt like not such a big deal at the time
but as job offers failed to come in, as I got more and more emails of
“rejection”, it began to feel more and more like death by 1,000 cuts. Why is it
that with almost a decade of international development experience, a Bachelors,
a Masters, and half way to another Masters that I can not even seem to land an
internship? Has the Lord forgotten me? [No]…Slowly questions, doubts, anger,
and utter sadness seep in. At the same time my Dad, your Grandpa was pushed
into early retirement, my Granny (Great Granny) passed away, our car was side
swiped, and I cracked the screen of new my phone (OK that last one was not such
a big deal…).
At the same time we struggle to
raise you two muppets as best we can. Malia, Ryan, and Jack you have been my
earthly anchors. Boys, I hope that this struggle is over soon but until then
thank you for your endless laughter, unbridled joy, limitless imagination,
stupendous love, handsome good looks, and complete trust in us. In your young
minds I am still the main man, and when every day is a struggle with insecurity
about my worth you are the daily reminder of how much Jesus loves me and
believes in me. Your Mamma is not too shabby either…In the words of the Beach
Boys (tell me you know who the Beach Boys are….)
“God only knows what I’d be without

Love this!! One day you will definitely look back on this as a sweet time. The good news I have for you is that God's timing is so perfect, we know from unemployment experience, and I can't wait to hear how the new job comes "just in time." Those boys are so fortunate to have you both, just as you said they are blessings of joy and life to you.