June 7, 2017

Making Memories

This last weekend my little family of 4 ventured out to my parent's house on the Hood Canal. And a few days before we left we informed Jack that we were heading to the Hood Canal for the weekend, and that child proceeded to talk about all the things he'd do when he was there and all the toys that were there waiting for him. He started to give me a play by play of our days and how the whole flow of the weekend would go.

And he even packed his bag for the weekend, and yes, he overpacked and stuffed far more things in his bag than were necessary, but he was so cute as he thought about the clothes he'd need for our time. And he was even cuter when we got to the house and he ran up the stairs to his room and unpacked all his clothes in his dresser (it took everything in me not to refold and organize his stuff) and immediately changed into his bathing suit.

And I just sat there in awe of him and how old he is, and I just thought, wow, he's at an age now where he actually remembers alot of stuff. No pressure right? Wonder what he'll remember when he's older haha!

Anyhow, it just got me thinking, we're making memories here. Each and every day is about seeking adventure and making memories with my people.

And I also realized, after Jack declared so many times about how excited he was, that this place on the Hood Canal, this property my parents bought over 25 years ago, and this house they built 7 years ago, is not only a special place for me but also for my son.

The magic I feel there, he feels too. 

We're making memories...lasting memories, even in the mundane, in the most normal of things, my son will remember his time here as a child. He will remember driving around in his little toy car, and throwing rocks in the water, and going for long walks to the river, and paddle boarding and kayaking with dad, and boat rides with guppy and being forced to swim in the water with mom!

He will remember. And I hope and pray those memories are so sweet always.

And it also reminded me of this video that I watched a few weeks ago, about children finding magic in the most normal, possibly mundane, things.

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