October 6, 2011

I am Number Four.

I just finished this book, I am Number Four, last week, and this is what the front flap said..

Nine of us came here.  We look like you.  We talk like you.  We live among you.  but we are not you.  We can do things you dream of doing.  We have powers you dream of having.  We are stronger and faster than anything you have ever seen.  We are the superheroes you worship in movies and comic books - but we are real.

Our plan was to grow, and train, and become strong, and fight them.  But they found us and started hunting us first.  Now all of us are running, spending our lives in shadows, in places no one would look, blending in. We have lived among you without you knowing.

But they know.

They caught Number One in Malaysia.
Number Two in England.
And Number Three in Kenya.
They killed them all.

And I am Number Four.

I am next.

Don't you want to read it??  Or maybe not?  Maybe you aren't into alien books?  Well, I didn't think I was either, but I must say that bit on the flap pulled me in.

I really enjoyed the book, but the one major disappointment was that I wanted to read the second one straight away, and I didn't have it in my possession nor did I know if the second one had even been published yet.

But... guess what?  It has and it's in bookstores near you, but I must wait my turn at the library for it!  So it's going to be a series, and I am not certain how many books will be in that series, but I just might advise you to WAIT to read the first one until they come out with all the other books.  But that's just my opinion, and obviously you are free to do whatever you want!

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