December 6, 2011


Advent = a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas.  And the progression of the advent season may be marked with an advent calendar.

And as we entered into the Advent season this year, I decided that THIS would be the beginning of a beautiful tradition in my family (me and Peter) and our home would contain an advent calendar.

It had been years since I had bought an advent calendar.  Actually to be honest, I don't know if I have ever bought one.  However, I do remember having them as kids.  And I remember the joy of pulling the tabs back each day on the calendar to see what treasure was inside.

Well I decided this was the year things were going to change.  I had these grand plans of making my own and was truly inspired by this one.

Isn't it darling??  Maybe next year right?  I suppose i should buy all the items for it NOW so that I am fully prepared for next year.  

I perused the shelves of TJMaxx thinking they may have some, and they did, but they were these cute wooden ones that were essentially permanent and probably more sustainable in the long run.  But I would have to put things in each box, and I didn't really want to do that.  I mean it was December 1st - the first day of advent, and I was clearly running out of time.  So I decided to venture to Target - they always have a ton of Christmas stuff, and they did, but they only had ONE advent calendar to choose from.

And it was this one.

Kind of boring right?  I kept thinking they had to have more and checked all the boxes, but nope, this was the only option.  But it sure didn't stop me from buying it.

Check - milk chocolate advent calendar added to my basket.

So then I brought said advent calendar home and Peter was truly intrigued.  He couldn't believe there was chocolate inside of it!  Love this man!  And considering it was December 1st already - we were able to open the first one. I let him do the honors.

Day ONE of advent.

Happy Advent Everyone!

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