December 30, 2011

Oh, the irony!

So I got a ticket today, and no, I am not referring to a plane ticket.  Oh, how I wish I was!

I am sadly referring to a speeding ticket which I got on the way to work.  I didn't want to be late for morning prayer - yes, I work for a Christian organization, and we start each morning off with prayer.  Oh, the irony! 

And as I obviously sped down the little side road I take to work, I noticed an unmarked car just off to the side.  Well, turns out that little unmarked car was a police car.  And his lights went on before I even had a chance to pass him! 

And I thought, oh the irony!  Here I am driving to work, going faster than I should, to be on time for PRAYER and I get pulled over. 

So I rolled down my window - pulled out all the necessary bits.  He came over and said do you know what the speed limit is, and I smiled and said no.  I wasn't lying - I truly had no idea what the speed limit actually was.  I could have guessed, but I figured that just might be a bad idea!  And then he said, do you know how fast you were going, and I once again smiled and said no!  Another truth, I don't look at my speedometer all that often when I am on side roads.  I know I should, but I normally just follow the traffic and assume I am good to go, and normally it works.  However, that failed me this morning, simply because there weren't a ton of other cars on the road.

So I got a ticket - and I called Peter and told him that the amount of the ticket simply made me want to vomit!

Did I learn my lesson?  Gosh I sure hope so!  I mean what a waste of money right?

So the moral of the story is DO NOT SPEED, especially on your way to work and morning prayer!

1 comment:

  1. If this is your first speeding ticket you should defer prosecution! I got my first speeding ticket last May and did this. What it does for you: If you agree to not get a ticket within the next year, than this ticket won't be put on your record AND therefore your insurance won't go up. Call me if you want more instructions.


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