January 25, 2012

Wasabi peas.

I smile as I begin to type this post, which I suppose means you should too right?  Well, maybe you will AFTER I tell you the pea story.

So, it was a normal day, midweek at the office.  I arrived to work about 8:30, maybe a bit earlier?  And lo and behold there was a treat outside my door - a mini white cupcake slightly disheveled (you will later find out WHY or maybe the title gives it away) in a paper bowl with my name written in caps along the edge.  (REALLY wish I had a picture of it, but I don't - so the description will have to do).  So it was pretty obvious it was for me.

What did I do, you ask?  Well I picked it up and put it on my desk of course.  I mean it had my name on it, thus someone obviously wanted me to have it.  Well, let's just say that I stared at it for a few hours, trying to figure out who had left it for me.  I even went so far as to email a coworker on another floor to see if she had left it for me.  And let's be honest, I was wondering if it was even okay to eat!  I mean you should have seen this thing.

But, I knew without a doubt that I didn't have enough discipline to leave this little cupcake untouched.  And it's fairly common knowledge that I love sugar and even the smallest cupcake makes my heart beat a little faster!  I know it's terrible, but how was I to say no to this slightly disheveled treat?  I knew from the moment I picked it up that that item was going to be in my mouth and eventually in my belly in no time.

But I was still left to wonder who had left it?  And was it actually safe to eat?  Well somewhere in my train of thoughts I justified to myself that it was because that cupcake was gone before I knew it!  And as I bit into half of it, my tongue ran across something round and hard.  My thoughts..."Hmm...I wonder what that is?  Welp, I'll just take that out of my mouth."  I examined the other half of the cupcake and found another little hard, round ball tucked within the depths of the cupcake.  And I took that out and continued to eat the other half!  And without further ado, I took those little round balls and put them in the bin.

An hour or so later, I walked to the other end of the office, and found more cupcakes like the one I had just ate.  So I knew it had come from a reliable source, right?  I told my coworkers bout the cupcake surprise outside my door...and one asked if I ate it?  I laughed hesitantly and said....yeah I did...why?? And she laughed, and asked me if I knew who it was from?  I said no...and she said, "But you still ate it?  Did you find the peas?"  And it instantly clicked, those little hard, round balls were wasabi peas which someone had brought in the day before.

And the giver of the cupcake was my Boss' mischievous, 9 year old grandson who is hilarious - case in point right?  So turns out his grandma had made the cupcakes and they brought them in earlier that morning, and this clever man thought to put wasabi peas in one and leave it in front of my door, in hopes that I might eat the peas without noticing. Well, much to his dismay, I found them before I had a chance to swallow them and I actually LOVE wasabi peas, so it wouldn't have been a terrible thing I suppose?

Well what did I do to retaliate?  Not much, but I did pull those peas out of the bin along with the cupcake wrapper, and I placed those peas in the wrapper and put them in a paper bowl, but this time I put HIS name on it!  Didn't want him to think he fooled me!

He has played all sorts of pratical jokes on me (tape on my straw, tape on my phone, tape on my mouse...I think he has a thing for tape?), but I think this one was the best by far!  Stay tuned for more...

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