February 4, 2012

February Gabfest

Love these ladies!  On Friday night, we had our monthly Gal Pal Gabfest.  I have written about this monthly gathering once before - so I don't want to repeat myself too much.  But I will say a little bit about it - each month I get together with some of my dearest friends from growing up to share a meal together, drink some alcoholic beverages, and laugh until our bellies ache.

This month one of the five was away visiting her grandma in Iowa, and we had a special guest join us for the night!  It was such a blessed night, and it still blows my mind how long I have known most of these women.  We have been through all sorts of things together - puberty, bras, boyfriends, hairstyles, college, engagements, weddings, pregnancies (well one of us at least!).  So many memories, so many years shared together, so many tears, so much laughter, so much life lived ...together.  And it has been such a beautiful journey...one that we have shared together.

I will be 30 in October, and it is crazy to think I have known these women for MORE than half my lifetime!  Some of us met before we hit double digits, but by the time we were teenagers all of our paths had crossed.

I feel so blessed to share life with these beautiful women who are changing the world one step at a time!  And I am already looking forward to next month.

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