February 13, 2012

It's the Little Things.

It's the little things in life that really make it so sweet isn't it?   A hug, an I love you, a delicious cup of coffee, a chocolate chip cookie, beautiful flowers, sunshine, an afternoon with a dear friend, a good laugh, a good book, and I could go on, but I won't because you get the point right?  It is such a beautiful thing when you begin to find beauty in the most ordinary things! 

So today, I am linking up with Heather over at Finding Beauty in the Ordinary for her new "Cup Half Full" link up party - thanks Jen for posting about this!  

And without further ado...here are a few beautiful little things from this past weekend!

I love baking muffins!  Banana muffins with crumble toppings.  Yummy!

I have started baking all sorts of things on the weekends in hopes of tiding us over for the week!  Here we have turkey chili, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, and potato and carrot soup that has yet to blended.  


And one of the best things from this weekend...our BIG yard project and our patio in the making.  Can't wait for it to be finished!  Hello summer, bonfires, and roasted marshmallows!





  1. mmmm those oatmeal chocolate chip cookies look delish =) yes, those types of things are what makes life sweet and beautiful.. one of many..


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