February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day.

So I LOVE Valentine's Day!!  I love everything about it and I think I always have!  Don't get me wrong, I hate the commercialism of it all, but I do LOVE what the day actually represents.  It is a beautiful day to celebrate love!  And it doesn't have to be solely about love birds and having a date night with a significant other, but rather it's a day for is to show those we love that we do in fact LOVE them! 

However, it is so easy to buy into the Valentine's Day commercialism isn't it?  I mean what girl doesn't love chocolates, and flowers, and a lovely Valentine's day card?  It's a good excuse to have a fun date night and to spend money, but is that really what the day is suppose to be about?  I mean I just heard on the news that our nation is expected to spend 18 billion dollars on Valentine's Day gifts ($126 per person) - that is a CRAZY amount of money!  

And Peter and I didn't want to spend this kind of money, so we decided that instead of splurging at a restaurant, we were going to splurge at the grocery store.  Last night we traveled to the grocery store to buy the necessary ingredients to make a delicious steak dinner at home accompanied by Parmesan asparagus, roasted potatoes, and some delicious wine! Yum...I am hungry and my mouth is watering just thinking about it!

Anyhow, another thing I decided this year was that I was going to get a little crafty and make my own Valentines Day cards.  This is a great idea if you plan a little more in advance!  I, of course, waited till the last minute and I was only able to make a few.  But they turned out so cute!  So I wanted to share them with all of you in hopes that you may be inspired to make some for next year.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!  Hope this day is filled with so much joy, laughter, and love.  May you feel the Love of the Lord reigning down upon you today and always!



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