February 22, 2010


Well my dear friend Sarah gets married in 40 days and I only know that because I just had a gander at their countdown. It has been so fun to walk alongside her through this journey because it is still so fresh for me, and I remember all the emotions as if it were yesterday. ALSO it has been fun to share all my wedding knowledge that I delightfully obtained while wedding planning with another bride. I must say I am pretty excited for such a dear friend to experience the blissfulness of marriage. Oh how wonderful it is to share my bed with someone, to have someone steal the covers at night only to be left trembling in the cold, to have someone to laugh about EVERYTHING with, to have someone to pick up after. Oh how wonderful it is to have someone make you breakfast in the morning and dinner at night, to have someone to love, to have someone to discuss the future with. Truly I love being married and it is such a gift from God. It is fun. It is hard. But more than anything, it is real.

So back to Sarah, her 10 beautiful bridesmaids threw a shower in her honor and it was so fun. The food was delicious, the games were extremely entertaining (I even had the honor of winning one!), and the company was great, Sarah was showered with gifts, some sexy lingerie, and some really great advice. Some of the best advice coming from the unmarrieds - so please don't sell yourself short and think just because you are married you have no advice to give because that is just WRONG.

It was really strange to think that I now belonged in the married camp, thus I should be the one giving really great advice right? Wrong...I kept it to a sentence that included two bits. DATE NIGHTS and GO TO BED AT THE SAME TIME. Some people wrote beautiful things, things that I wanted to copy and take home and truly listing to. But these two little tidbits DATE NIGHT AND SAME BED TIMES have really helped strengthen my relationship with Peter even more. I know its strange to think that you actually need date nights when you are married, but you DO. Scheduling intentional time is important and crucial and so fun...ALSO going to bed at the same time. Having the same sleeping schedule and patterns is also important. I truly love our night time talks right before we both nod off, and its fun to be up at the same time in the morning, having breakfast together, watching the today show, packing our lunches. I know, I know, sounds so simple and silly probably because it is, but it is good, really good!

Anyhow, happy wedding Sarah!! Really excited for her and Nick and can't wait till april 3, which is quickly approaching!

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