July 5, 2010

One Day.

I can’t quite remember how I first heard about this book…but I knew I had it on my library list for some reason. I had heard about it from somewhere…maybe some magazine or online review? So when my friend Laura started talking about how she wanted to read this book that she had heard about called One Day by a man named Nichols, David Nichols..it all sort of clicked…hmm? I think I just got an email from the library saying this book was ready and waiting for pickup!

Well let’s just say I finally got around to picking the book up from my favorite place, the library! The book has been truly delightful – so delightful that I have devoured it in a matter of days. I have locked myself up in a room at the canal. I have said no to walks, lunch and conversation. However, I did say yes to a ride to the shop simply because I felt as though I was alienating myself and getting a little too consumed in my book (plus, I didn’t want to finish the book TOO soon, I mean I didn’t bring anything else to read!!)

I found myself making assumptions about what was going to happen next and to my disappointment some of my assumptions came true. I found myself savoring every single page, yet somehow I finished the entire book in a day, so I suppose the savoring part is up for debate. But let me tell you it has been awhile since I have done that…it has been awhile since I have enjoyed a book this much. I found myself laughing out loud at bits and sharing the pages with my family members who listened kindly, but were probably rolling their eyes inside themselves.

So the book review in People Magazine states, “Bright, sexy, minty-fresh college grads Emma and Dexter hook up one day in 1988 – but can they ever be a real couple? Checking in on the pair once a year on the same date, July 15, over a period of two decades during which both become famous (but for very different reasons), this instant classic – a huge bestseller last year in Britain- is one of the most hilarious and emotionally riveting love stories you’ll ever encounter”…and the review goes on “When Dex and Emma get together, the banter is music and you’ll be humming along. Read it before the movie gets made: you’ll want to be amongst the snobs explaining why the book was better”.

FIRST off…I had no idea it was going to be a movie till I had nearly 30 pages left to read. I found my mom’s people magazine sitting on the table and went straight to the book reviews only to find this book listed amongst the others. I thought to myself…hmm maybe that’s where I first heard of the book; maybe it was this same review within the pages of people magazine. Who knew their reviews were reliable!??

This book is based around one day, July 15. The book goes backward and forward and back again and I must admit at times I was slightly confused and found myself going backward and forward within the pages to figure out how many years and places had passed between the two of them. I won’t spoil the book too much…but there was this one part in the book where Emma mentions that there were so many things she wanted to talk to him about and when she didn’t see him, she thought about him every single day…she says, “I thought about you every day, I mean EVERY DAY in some way or another even if it was just “I wish Dexter could see this” or “where’s Dexter now?” or “That Dexter, what an idiot!” …And he responds by saying “Same here!”

And all this talk got me thinking…their relationship/friendship started after just a few days spent together. The friendship deepened over time thanks to long letters and intentional moments. Their friendship and their story reminded me of a story I am quite familiar with. It reminded me of a story I have lived – a story that was filled with obstacles, different time zones, different accents, late nights, early mornings and long emails. It reminded me of my own story and my own reluctance to love.

Is there someone in your life that you think about EVERY single day whether you are with him or her or not? Have you met someone while you were dating another and wished you were single just for that one moment? Have you met someone after you were married and wondered if this new person was the one you should have waited for? Have you crossed paths with someone while traveling and wondered what it could have been had the circumstances been different?

While reading this book, I thought…Gosh thank God I married Peter because if I hadn’t he would have been that person for me! I would have thought about him EVERY SINGLE day for the rest of my life. I would have thought about the what ifs and the could haves and the should haves. I would still be comparing every man I met to this one, amazing man I had met in Ireland. We only spent a total of 18 days together, but that was enough for me….that was enough for him to steal my heart and my trust. That was enough for me to desire a deep friendship from him ….That was enough for him to make me laugh till I cried....that was enough for me to want more.

Six Years ago TODAY, July 3rd, our beautiful story began…and all Peter and I needed was just one day (okay maybe it was a few more than that, but you get the point!). I am so very thankful that we have had not just one day, but many days and I pray that we are blessed with so many more and that those days turn into years.

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