October 11, 2010

Columbus Day.

So as I was driving to work this morning I heard the woman say on the radio something about the fact that today was a holiday. Thus, banks and post offices would be closed. However, those lovely parking meters don't consider it a holiday, thus they were still hungry and still required an hourly feeding of the very coins that rest deep within your pockets. And then I thought ...yes it is Columbus Day...so schools are out too, but what does that mean for me? ...just another day at work! Or so I thought...until my boss came into work at 12 to inform me that I was to go home. I would imagine that many people would welcome this idea. I, on the otherhand, didn't quite know how to interpret this news that others may have found glorious! The truth is...I wanted to work! I love working Mondays ...and I had nothing better to do. Right?

But my boss was sending me home...so what was a girl to do? I packed up my bag and went home...and on the car ride home my mind wandered to ALL the things I could do with the next 4 hours...I could journal, go for a run, write a blog entry, start making dinner, work on my sisters WAY overdue birthday present, spend time with God, go for a walk, read my book. The opportunities were endless right? I mean how often do you have a spare 4 hours? I didn't have a problem brainstorming ways to fill my time...but I had a terrible time figuring out what I really wanted to do. I was nearly crippled by all the options and all the desires. Thus, I tried to dabble in all of them...minus the exercise part, and the journaling part, and I ran out of time before I had a chance to pick up that book. But dinner was a success...and I nearly finished my sisters birthday present, and I was able to spend some good quality time with some amazing Godly women. And all in all it was a great day...so heres to Columbus and short work days!

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