October 12, 2010


It has been awhile since I have posted so many blog posts...but I had a bit of a revelation last night when I was sitting at the feet of some of my absolute FAVORITE people...and we were talking about ways we encounter Christ. For some its through prayer, for others its through quiet time and reading scripture...and for me its through writing...and also prayer..but really through writing.

I really love to write...maybe that's because it's extremely therapeautic to me? I really don't know why I love it so much, but I just do. It truly is that simple...I lose control of myself when I write and I feel as though my fingers simply type or write the true feelings upon my heart. I don't give my words too much thought...I just write. It's that simple. Can I say that enough?

Writing forces me to reflect, to ponder my thoughts and my feelings. Writing forces me to rest and to put things into perspective. Writing forces me to sit at the feet of God. I feel at rest when I write...I feel at ease knowing that my thoughts and the feelings upon my heart are being put into words...words that articulate my very being. When I take the time to sit down and write something...to stew over my thoughts in order to put them into words..I feel satisfied. I feel at peace. I feel rested. I feel close to God.

And when I don't take the time to write...to process my thoughts...to put things into perspective...I feel distant from God. I feel dissatisfied. l feel restless.

So I have vowed to change this cycle...this cycle of writing...of not writing...and instead I am going to attempt to be consistent with this longing in hopes of experiencing a closeness with God that right about now feels fairly foreign. So writing draws me into a space whereby I feel close to God...where my spirit finds rest. What is it for you? How does your spirit find rest?

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