December 3, 2010

A Christmas Story.

Isn't it wonderful when Birthday and Christmas celebrations are all rolled into one?? Well...I SURE DO! and I especially love when my dad forgoes his seat beside my mother at the 5th Avenue Theatre so that I can accompany her to a show! Such a gracious father i have! Well let me tell you though...I was super excited about this show and may have pushed my way into that seat JUST a little bit.

So it was my mom's birthday weekend and she was coming over to Seattle for the show and then we all went out to dinner as a family to celebrate another year of her life! I could type for days about my mom...but this post isn't about my mom. This post is about A christmas Story - The musical.

Have you all seen this movie? It is fantastic and such a classic! Well I think it is at least...soo much so that I bought it for Peter for Christmas last year...and I also bought it for his brother to add to his MASSIVE DVD collection because every DVD collection should contain A Christmas Story right? Well lets just say that my family didn't own this DVD or I guess I should say VHS because DVDS weren't around back then...but EVERY single time the Christmas season would roll around I would scour the tv channels for this movie because ONE Of them was bound to play it right?

Oh there are soo many good bits from tongues getting stuck to poles, kids visiting santa and getting pushed down slides, bb guns, randy in his HUGE winter suit, the bunny outfit, the dogs eating the turkey, the leg lamp...and I could go ON, but I won't because i don't want to ruin the entire movie!

Anyhow, this year the 5th avenue Theatre decided to turn this movie into a music..and I must say I am always a LITTLE skeptical when they try to turn my favorite movies into musicals. I mean the people aren't singing in the movie, so how will that actually work out? But then I remembered that my mom and I also went to see Hairspray at the 5th Ave...and that wasn't a musical originally, but it is one of my all time favorite movies...and I thought it was excellent. So I had high hopes for this next one...A Christmas Story, and boy was it GOOD! I kept anticipating certain parts and crossing my fingers that they wouldn't leave certain bits out...and they didn't! They stayed soo true to the movie and it was excellent even if I did know what was coming next.

So five stars for A Christmas Story and if you have the chance to see it this holiday season...I fully believe it is worth your money and your time!

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