December 14, 2010

Moments of Kindness.

Sometimes the Lord gives us perfect opportunities to show His spirit of kindness to others…and these opportunities are what i would like to call moments of kindness. He gives us these brief moments where we have a choice - we can respond with kindness or we can just keep on walking and simply ignore our opportunity.

You know what I mean, but if you don't…let me give you some examples. You see someone whose car has broke down or who has a flat tire…do you stop to help?? You see a homeless man on the street reaching out his hand for money…for anything really…do you put anything in his hand? You see a woman carrying far too many groceries and far too many children…do you ask if she needs help??

These are MY examples because these are things that actually have happened over the course of a month, and each time I am given this moment of kindness, I am hesitant…I am reluctant…and I simply ignore the opportunity. But then there are other times, most often when I am with others, that I respond…and I feel as though i have no other choice but to respond.

Just this past week peter and I were blessed with one of these opportunities…it was dark, rainy, peter and i were bickering about something when we spotted this mom with her young daughter who was maybe 3 and her infant son. The little girl was holding 2 full grocery bags and a gallon of milk, while the mom was holding her son and probably about 5 other bags. I nudged peter…feeling really obligated and called to help…my husband wasn't all that excited because we had been in the middle of a little disagreement …but he was kind enough to ask if she needed help...and so began the journey up to her apartment to drop off her children and her groceries! Turned out she even lived in the same building as us!

Sometimes we don't have the time..or do we? sometimes we just don't see it…or do we?? keep your eyes open…and bless others simply because you have been blessed.

PS…please keep in mind that i by no means mean to toot my own horn…but the whole moment made me really think about how fast I fly through life ...and many times i miss these moments of kindness simply because im flying too fast.

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