December 15, 2010

We have Arrived!

So we have been in Belfast for nearly a week actually, and I suppose it's time that I finally got around to posting something on here about our time thus far!

We arrived last Sunday, after many hours of flying...and many airplane meals...and WAY too many movies. I think I watched 6 actually in a span of 10 hours and fast forwarded through some bits just to finish the films before we landed. I watched Letters to Juliet (loved it), Despicable Me, Grown Ups, Robin Hood (it was good, but a little long!), Charlie St. Cloud...maybe it was only 5..can't for the life of me remember the 6th.

When we arrived we went through immigration and then on to baggage claim. And Peter started to get a little nervous as everyone grabbed for their bags and disappeared soon after, and ours were still nowhere to be found! I was a little TOO hopeful and we waited for probably a little TOO long in hopes of seeing our bags come around on the turnstile. Much to our surprise, or mine at least, our bags did not ride the flight with us to Dublin. My darling husband had told me to pack another set of clothes JUST IN CASE our bags didn't show up with us. I, of course, reminded him that my bags ALWAYS show up...and if not it won't be the end of the world. Needless to say I packed an extra pair of jeans and a clean pair of undies, but what good were those things to me really?? At least I had my toothbrush and a few other things!

So Peter's sister, Ruth, picked us up at the airport and it was soo good to have arrived!! It was a beautiful, crisp, cold day, and as we drove through the rolling Irish hills my eyes started to fail me and I slept for a wee while. We arrived at the in-laws house a few hours later and stuffed our empty bellies full of glorious food and ended the meal with Mark's delicious chocolate guinness cake. I will be getting the recipe for that!

It has taken us a little while to get adjusted to the whole time thing, but know that we still have a few more weeks and by the time we are fully adjusted we will be flying back to Seattle!

We have enjoyed our first week tremendously...and now let me share with you some highlights.

Meals with the family and much laughter with the boys! Teaching Stuart how to play Wizard and all the fun that came with that! The Christmas market...and my new scarf and my amazing gloves. Irish music in a real irish bar where people were actually SPEAKING IRISH! Walking the streets of Belfast. the City Center - Christmas shopping and dinner with Peter
AND CAN't FORGET THE SNOW!!! soo much snow! hiking cave hill IN THE SNOW! and watching Peter, Mark and Stuart attempt to sled down a hill with a queen size mattress and last but not NEW stocking from TKMAXX. its HUGE and amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are having a blast with your family. Aren't Christmas markets the BEST? We went up to Sweden last weekend and went to the biggest market in Sweden--it was super fun. Merry Christmas!


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