January 1, 2011

The Reality of Death.

It truly sounds so morbid…I know, but the reality is we are all going to die someday right?  Well Peter and I watched this movie ages ago that provoked some interesting conversation…one of them being that all our friends will eventually die (that was from Peter).  I kindly informed him that we weren't immortal…and that our time on this Earth would eventually come to an end too!  

And then the fun really began…I proceeded to ball my eyes out with the realization that Peter will die, whether that is before me or after me.  His time on this Earth will come to an end…and it breaks my heart to think about that!  I mean I truly believe he is the love of my life.  And I can't imagine my life without him in it or maybe I just don't want to.  My thoughts were so consumed with death that I couldn't even sleep!  And I found myself getting anxious….so anxious that Peter prayed over me.  

The next day at church Pastor Richard spoke about holding onto things…and how we have the tendency to hold onto our jobs, our bad habits, our past - simply because of the comforts we receive from them.  We hold all these things we deem necessary and important in our clenched fists...and we don't want to give them to God ...even though the reality is that He has had control over them from the very beginning.  And one of those things I kept thinking that I hold so tightly in the palm of my own hand is ...my husband.

So of course after the service Pastor Richard was making his rounds...and he was speaking to some of our friends and I just went up to him and told him that his sermon spoke to me.  I proceeded to tell him, with a quivering voice, while on the verge of tears, about this said movie, my conversation with Peter the previous night, my anxiety over death, how I hold tight to my husband, rather than holding tight to the Lord, and how I need to set Peter free from my clenched fist and truly trust in the Lord.  It was a beautiful, redeeming moment...for me at least!

What are you holding onto?  And what do you need to hand over to the Lord in order to fully trust Him?

If you are interested you can listen to the Sermon here.  I think this is the right one!  And if not...I am so sorry!

1 comment:

  1. It is hard to think about this....I for one, hope that I die first (as morbid as that sounds too) b/c I don't think I could live without my hubby....love your writing girl. keep it coming!


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