February 22, 2011

Go to Guy.

So Peter is home!  Yay!  But I couldn't let his time away pass without reflecting upon it all.  I must say I strongly dislike having him gone, but it truly does make our time together all the more sweeter.
So some fairly large things happened in my life once Peter left for the Dominican Republic and it was hard not having him there to share things with, to process my thoughts with, to seek out advice and wisdom from.  I mean he is my go to guy.  When something happens in my life he is the one I want to share things with.  When I have a new insight or something exciting to share, he is the one I go to.  He is my go to guy.  Thus, it was really hard having him gone so long because I am left without a go to guy.
But let's be honest - God has taught me all sorts of things over the past few weeks, and one of them is that HE wants to be my go to guy.  And He not only wants to make the go to list, but he wants to be number one, and quite often I tend to put him as number 2 or maybe even so far down the list as number 3?  
It is so easy to rely on my husband for so many things, but what a heavy burden for Peter huh?  And to be honest, it's not fair, nor is it healthy.  Don't get me wrong, I love sharing things with my husband, and I miss him terribly when he is gone, but I don't think God ever intended for him to be the only person I go to.  I don't think God ever intended for Peter to be the only one I go to for affirmation, words of wisdom, a listening ear.  I think God intends for me to embrace the beautiful community of people he has surrounded me with and to spread out my needs amongst many, while never ever forgetting that He is always there for me to go to.  How blessed am I to have so many go to guys!!

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