February 22, 2011


So Peter and I watched this movie called One Peace at a Time a few days ago and within that movie they mentioned some hunger statistics that truly rocked my world.  And I wanted to share them here for all those readers to read and ponder over.

The number of people who are hungry - 1 billion

The annual rise of number who are hungry - 4 million

The number of children who die of hunger each year - 6 million

The number of children who die of hunger each day - 16,000

The number of children who die of hunger each minute - 12

The number of children who die of hunger while you read this - 1

And before you can process that - one more

Pretty powerful stuff isn't it??  And while I was reading these statistics on the screen, I was gorging myself with my lunch.  And I slowly turned to Peter and said, "gosh I feel guilty eating this!"  And the thing is, guilt doesn't necessarily move me to act.  It does make me think about things and question things, but it tends to end with the thought process.  But the catch is - we are all in this together, and those with food are simply the ones who are blessed so abundantly!   We need to recognize these blessings and in turn find ways to bless others within our own country and outside of it.  And only when we think outside of ourselves and truly believe that we CAN make a difference will things start to change.  There is so much power in the simple act of giving whether it be through money, time or other resources!  We are powerful and we have the power to change these statistics! 

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