April 25, 2011

World Malaria Day.

As I was scrolling through my daily facebook newsfeed I saw this headline that caught my eye from World Vision ACT:S - Today is World Malaria day!

So what does that mean??  Well it means that today, on April 25th, we should honor the more than 2,000 children who die each day from a simple mosquito bite, we should celebrate the recent successes that have occurred toward ending this injustice and we should recommit ourselves to stopping this child-killer once and for all!  They even go so far as to say that we could be the generation that finally ends malaria - but only if we all do our part.

It truly is crazy to think that something so small has such a HUGE impact.  It has been nearly a year since Peter and I were in Africa and there are so many things that left their mark on me - malaria being one of them!  I left Malawi and Uganda truly baffled by the sheer number of people who have been impacted by this disease.  The lucky ones live with it forever, while the unfortunate ones pass away.  Malaria is as common in Africa as the common cold is in the states!  All this talk about malaria reminds me of a blog entry I wrote nearly a year ago.

To find out more about World Vision's campaign to stop malaria click HERE.

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