May 26, 2011

Movie Night.

So Peter and I don't really watch a ton of TV, but we do love our movies!  And I get all of our movies from the library - I mean they are FREE!  So right about now we have a ton of movies we need to watch and nearly ALL of them are documentaries.  So a light, comedy filled movie was simply not an option.  So after examining all the options, Peter's Dad, Jack, chose the film  Mugabe and the White African

This film is about a White man, specifically a White African, named Mike Campbell, and his family who live in Zimbabwe. According to IMDB,  "He is one of the few remaining white farmers in Zimbabwe who has held fast in the face of the violent 'Land Reform' program and in 2008 he took the unprecedented step of challenging President Robert Mugabe before the SADC International Court (SADC - South African Development Community) to defend his farm, which is also home to 500 black workers and their families, and to charge Mugabe and his government with racial discrimination and with violations of Human Rights."
Mike, Ben (Mike's son-in-law), Laura (Mike's daughter and Ben's wife), and Mike's wife.

And according to the movie website, "The film is an intimate, moving and often terrifying account of one man and his family’s extraordinary courage in the face of overwhelming injustice and brutality.  Set against the tumultuous 2008 Presidential elections Mugabe and the White African follows Mike and son-in-law Ben Freeth's harrowing attempt to save their farm and with it the homes and livelihoods of 500 black workers and their families.  Filmed over 12 months, a gripping courtroom drama unfolds whilst all the time Mike, his family and the farm workers face the all too real threats of Mugabe's wrath on the farm.  After months of frightening threats and a horrific attack the Court’s judges finally rule on Mike’s case."

As I watched the film I couldn't help but think about myself.  I mean can you imagine buying a farm and living on it for 30 years...and then having someone take it away from you by force??  I mean I truly can't imagine someone telling me that something I had purchased and worked on for 30 years was no longer mine and was being given to a poor person for redistribution purposes.  I mean are they compensated??  Nope...not at all.  So if their property, their belongings, their farm is taken what do they have to show for it??  Nothing..absolutely nothing.

Somewhere in the film Ben says..."You can be a white American, you can be a white Australian...but can you be a white African?...that is the question here!"  And I thought gosh it seems rare doesn't it?  I mean I would think that it is fairly safe to assume that a white African would be in the minority in their respective African country, but they still do exist.  It is an interesting question isn't interesting that Peter wouldn't even justify it with an answer, but I think his silence spoke volumes...of course you can be white and be an African.

So enough about all of that...You can find a few movie trailers below.

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