June 2, 2011


So this past weekend Peter and I ventured out to my parent's house on the Hood Canal.  On Saturday we were having some friends over for lunch and dinner and they really wanted some oysters.  So Peter and I woke up early enough on Saturday for the high tide to grab some of those oysters!  We got a whole bucket full and soaked them in salt water.

And then once people arrived it was time for cooking.  So we put them on the BBQ and then they placed parmesan cheese, lemon juice and bacon on top.

And even all that goodness on top couldn't mask the fact that I don't like them.  I have had an oyster before and I remember not being a huge fan, but Peter forced me to be adventurous.  So while I was trying to stuff one into my mouth and swallow it, he was taking photos!  

Can you tell what the verdict was after looking at these photos????  Well...I am still not an oyster fan.

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