August 16, 2011


I have never been good with goodbyes...but then again who is right?

August 15, 2011 marks a very special day - a day I will never ever forget.

And I am not talking about me and Peter's anniversary, although it is our two year anniversary date, nor am I talking about a conception date (TMI? - my apologies!)

Rather this date marked the day my dear friend, Bekah, fulfilled a lifelong dream, packed up her little Uhaul and began the journey to her new home in sunny San Diego.

She is going from this...

To this...doesn't look too bad does it?

We have had so many goodbye things in preparation for the real deal that it still feels slightly surreal to be honest.  I mean I am thankful she isn't moving across the world or even across the country.  Thus, we aren't having to deal with a time difference or expensive plane tickets.

And San Diego seems like a reasonable place to move right?  Well I guess...but it still means she is moving doesn't it?  It still means she won't be living in Seattle, or Bremerton, or the state of Washington for that matter.  It means I won't see her beautiful face every few weeks nor will I get a glimpse of her beautiful smile.  It means she isn't here to have a face to face conversation with.  It still means she isn't here for me to torment with my endless hugs!  But it does mean I have a fabulous place to vacation to and a fabulous friend to see when I am there.

Bekah has been dreaming about moving to some place warm for nearly as long as I have known her!  And I have known her for a long time people - I think we will be celebrating our 11 year friendaversary in September, which seems crazy, but it's true.  We met freshmen year of college when we both decided to do something really crazy and join a sorority at the University of Washington.  And I can't really remember a time in the sorority when Bekah and I weren't friends.  Bekah can you?

not a sorority photo, but my facebook account doesn't go back THAT far!
We were from the same hometown, but we went to separate schools (I went public, Bekah went private) so I think that brought us together.  Plus, I had heard about Bekah nearly my entire life, but sadly our paths never crossed before Freshmen year.  God was preparing the way for us and our new friendship.  When I think back to those sorority days, I can't help but think about Bekah...her contagious joy, her endless laughter, and her deep rooted faith in the Lord. 

also not a sorority photo, but you get the point right?

And if I am honest, not much has changed over the years.  Even today, when I think about Bekah I think about her joy, her laughter, and her faith...along with so many more fabulous qualities, but if I listed them all I would never finish this post!!  I mean this girl is amazing, and I feel so very honored to be her friend.  And if you don't know her you really should meet her because you are missing out! 

To the new roomies in SD - you have no idea what you are getting yourselves into.  Your lives will change for the better as soon as this burst of energy that is B-Walk arrives in your home.  And let it be known that you have gained not only a fabulous roommate, but also a chef, a baker, a sewer, and a house cleaner.  And I am jealous of you, new roomies in SD.  And part of me wishes I was there to walk RIGHT alongside her through this next adventure, but I am not.  This is one she must do alone.  So I entrust her into your hands.  Take care of her and love her unconditionally even when she goes to bed early and you want her to stay up late, and even when she leaves her things all over the house, and love her even when she is feeling sad, and sit with her even when says she wants to be alone.  Okay - I think that's everything?

And to Bekah - growing with you over the years has truly been one of my greatest joys. Thank you so much for your friendship, for the fabulous memories, and for the laughter. Oh how we have laughed.  But thankfully this is not goodbye, and it will never be goodbye because you will be in my life forever, whether you like it or not.  So I suppose I should say I will be seeing you in sunny S.D.!  I love you.

one of my all-time FAVORITE photos!

OH yes, the paddywagon - rode this thing around Ireland when Bekah came to visit!
The five of us..friends forever.
In Chelan.

Please note all of the amazing hairstyles - this one was when Bekah had extensions - yes you read that right!


  1. What a trip down memory lane! Thank you for your beautiful, generous and loving words. I definitely teared up sitting here in my hotel room 6 hours from my sunny san Diego dream...already enjoying the sun poolside, mind you!

    You have been a true and faithful friend all these years and I thank God for that! I love you so much! Come visit sooner than later and for now *hugs will have to be via text and email....right up my alley! Haha!

  2. this was so sweet malia. almost made me cry. and bekah's response about cyber hugs... hahaha!

  3. Awww! She is such a fabulous friend and will definitely be missed!


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