September 29, 2011


I have been meaning to post this post about contentment, but for some strange reason it's taken me days to put the final touches on it.  And I think I am hesitant to post it for fear that something will change and I will no longer find myself in this state of contentment.  But I am not a slave to here goes!

Content.  This is how I currently find myself, and if I am honest, this is a word that very rarely crosses the threshold of my lips.

See...I am someone who is always challenging and questioning EVERYTHING!  And when I say everything, I truly mean everything.  Some people see this as a strength, while some see it as a weakness, and I ...I see it as both.

See...I am a dreamer - always wanting to be somewhere else or doing something else.  I am always striving for more, and I am always wanting to be better.  I am always wanting a better relationship with my family, with my friends, with my husband, with God, and I am never fully satisfied right where I am.

And let me tell you it's hard to live this way...just ask my husband.  The poor guy has to live with me within this house of discontent.  And I can't even imagine what it would be like to be married to me!  Oh dear!  My husband has taught me alot about finding satisfaction in the simple things and enjoying and truly appreciating where the Lord has me RIGHT NOW

And after many insightful conversations with my husband and after much prayer, I can honestly say I now find myself settling into this beautiful, cushiony, seat of contentment.  And boy does it feel good, but it is rare for me,  thus it made complete sense that everyone was a little excited for me when they heard this praise at bible study last week. 

God is soo good!  And I am especially thankful that through prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit, the Lord has the power to transform my restless heart and quiet my questioning mind.  And the Lord has been teaching me that it's not about DOING, it's about BEING ...and being faithful and loving Him with my entire heart right where I am.  And having faith that He has me right where I am suppose to be!

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