September 27, 2011


There truly is something magnificent about growing your own food.  I mean I get so much satisfaction from seeing my green tomatoes blossom into red ones or seeing the green beans grow or watching Peter pick apples from the tree (note the picture above).

There is something so very satisfying about picking something from the garden or the tree and bringing it to the table to create something magnificent.  And let's be honest, everything tastes better directly from the garden.  And since we have TONS of apples - I decided I was going to experiment with a few recipes and make some apple concoctions.  I am just starting with the basics, like apple sauce, apple butter and apple crumble of course!

For my first apple concoction, I decided I would do something simple and make apple sauce.  I used Sarah's Apple Sauce recipe from, and I was not disappointed.

So we picked the apples or if I as honest I would say Peter picked the apples.

And we peeled them - well I attempted to and my husband just laughed at my skills, thus I handed him the peeler and had him do it while I gawked at his incredible peeling skills!

 So I handed the peeling duties over to Peter, while I took on the chopping duties.

Homemade apple sauce.


  • 4 apples - peeled, cored and chopped
  • 3/4 cup water
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

This is the recipe I followed, but I adapted it of course.  And we quadrupled the apple recipe and I don't think I added a whole cup of sugar, but who knows?  I truly can't remember!  And then instead of cooking it in a pot on the stove we placed all the ingredients in the crock pot and let it simmer away for 5 hours.  And here it is!  The finished product.  

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