September 26, 2011


So weekends are suppose to be relaxing right? ...A rest from the work days right?  Well not in this house!  At least not right now.  As soon as we got back from D.C. we hit the ground running!  While gone we had some of our trees cut down - I mean GIANT trees - three in the front and one big tree in the back, thus we now have ALOT of wood.

See those BIG trees on the left by the fence - well those are gone.
And look at the house now.  Trees begone.  Kind of a bad photo comparison.
This is what the yard looked like when we arrived home from D.C., and it has surely been a true work in progress.  Peter was outside splitting logs by hand every day that week.  Note to self - Thank God that you married such a hard worker!

back yard mess.
front yard mess.
The splitting begins.
Well the past few weekends have been the exact opposite of relaxing.  One Saturday we woke up early to work our booties off and I was left with an amazing sports bra tan line.  I have never had anything like it to be honest.  We spent all day Saturday and all day Sunday splitting logs and stacking wood...well Peter split the logs and I stacked the wood.  And I suppose it wasn't exactly from sun up to sun down - So I suppose I can't say it was all day, but it sure did feel like it.  And my body had some major aches and pains to prove it.

Rented a splitter for the weekend.
My stacking skills - so much wood, and this isn't even the final product.
So after this big wood project, we decided that we wanted to pay someone to redo the lawn.  I mean the logs kind of destroyed it, and it was now or never.
Peter picking apples.  Please note the bag around his neck.  This is yard before redone.

can you even believe it?? 
Laying hydro seed after soil was down!
So now we have a ton of wood surrounding 2 walls of the garage and I think Peter will be really sad on the day it all disappears, but it will be years before that happens.  And thanks to my gracious and loving parents we now have an outdoor fire pit.  So please be anticipating invitations for bonfires and marshmallows on cold fall nights!  

One project down only a thousand more to go!  Oh the joys of owning a home - the possibilities are truly endless, but we love it, or at least Peter does and I love him so indirectly I do too!

Happy Monday!

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