October 17, 2011

The Job.

I have been meaning to write about my new job all week, but wanted to take some time to reflect.  And now that I have done that - I can't put it off any longer!  So please forgive me for my extreme delay in posting and my absence this past week.  

So here we go...the post I am sure you ALL have just been dying to read!


This three letter word says it all.  And I could just stop there, but that wouldn't be fair now would it?  

I don't quite know where to start or what to say, but I suppose I have to start somewhere.  And I am fully aware of the fact that I haven't written ANYTHING about the job.  I have been silent about it all - starting with the interviews and ending with the offer.  

So maybe I should start by stating that I applied for quite a few jobs with CRISTA ministries and even had a few interviews.  And I even wrote about some of these experiences on the blog.  You can find those posts here and here.   

Anyhow, I had obviously visited the CRISTA campus a few times before my interview with Christian Veterinary Mission (CVM).  I guess what they say is true - three times a charm!

My first interview with CVM was right before we left for Washington DC - so the beginning of September.  And I am just now realizing that I did write a bit about the job here - but those thoughts were before the first interview. So forgive me for the lack of update!  It's so unlike me right?  Anyhow, the first interview was such a blessed experience, as well as the second.  

They asked me all sorts of questions.

What's the craziest thing you have ever done?
Tell us about your best and worst days?
Whose life have you personally transformed?
Who inspires you the most and why?
Who did I call after my first interview and what did I say?
What was my five year plan?

And their last question, "Why should they hire me?" was one of my favorites.  It's a tough one to answer, but the answer was right on the tip of my tongue.  I hesitated for a moment simply because I wondered if it was okay for me to be so candid.  And there was a good chance that I was going to break down right then and there and start bawling my eyes out.  This whole process has been so very emotional and something about this interview process and these people felt so right.  So guess what?  I told them just that.  I told them that they should hire me because I felt I would be a good fit.  I told them that they should hire me because I would gain so much from this position and from all of them - from their wisdom, their faith, and their lives.   I know it it sounds slightly selfish, but it's the truth, and I also added that I thought I would do a good job!   

I walked away from that second interview yearning for something that I didn't even have!  I called Peter straight away and informed him that I was going to be really sad if I never saw these people again.  The yearning was deep and the yearning was real.  I yearned to see these people again.  I yearned to develop relationships with them.  I yearned for this job.  

And I walked away from that second interview feeling as though it would be a true honor to work on the CRISTA campus and to work specifically with these people and CVM.

And guess what?  They offered me the job!  

My prayer throughout this entire interview/job process was that the Lord's will would be done and that I would be offered a position only if it was the Lord's will for me to take it.

So guess what?  I accepted the offer and here I am one week in.

my desk - gotta make it look like I'm doing some work - hence the messy desk!

My official title is International Administrative Assistant, and this past week has been nothing short of delightful. I truly don't even know what to say!  But what I should say is that God is real, and as hard as this whole process was - the applying, the interviewing, the disappointment, the joy, the offer, the job - it was all worth it.  

God is real and He is so good to me, and I have been blessed tremendously through this entire process.  And I have worked for a Christian organization before, but this one is different - CRISTA and CVM are so different. And as I drive onto the campus and as I walk through the doors of my building - I can feel the presence of the Lord.  This place is different.  And I feel blessed beyond belief to be a part of it all.

Thank you Jesus for giving me the strength and the heart to fully believe in You and to trust You to guide my life and to direct my path.  So many aspects of my life - my husband, my marriage, my family, my friends, my job - are far better than I could have ever hoped, dreamed and imagined simply because You are a part of it all!

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