December 31, 2012

Little Buddy: 33 weeks!

We have made it to another milestone - 33 weeks!  Little Buddy is supposedly the size of a pineapple, but that just seems extremely large - so who really knows!  And if he was the average baby he would be weighing in somewhere between 4-5 lbs, and I'm thinking he's probably on target for his weight considering he weighed 3 lbs 5 oz just 2 weeks ago.  And he measures about 17 inches, and they say he may grow up to a full inch this week.  Isn't that crazy?  He's definitely taking up space in my mummy tummy, and my jackets are getting more difficult to button and zip. However, I haven't been leaving the house too much at my husband's orders.  I had a bit of a breakdown today (Sunday)...all I wanted to do was go run some errands and wear myself out a bit and the husband wasn't having it.  So guess what my Sunday consisted of?  Buying the baby crib, researching sheets that will fit a mini crib mattress, and doing a few hours of work, all in the comfort of my own home.  Fun times right?

I must say, I'm starting to go stir crazy, and I'm starting to realize that Peter will let me do things, but I need some rest days in between, and the more I rest, the more I feel the baby moving and shaking in there.  When I'm super busy, sometimes I even forget that I'm pregnant...well I suppose that's a lie considering I'm always on the lookout for the nearest bathroom.

Anyhow, enough about me - this post is suppose to be about Little Buddy!  We have the car seat, and it's in the car, but we have yet to open up the instruction manual to figure out how to install that bad boy.  We have a stroller and his crib and mattress are on the way.  I still need silly a nursing cover, a baby carrier, crib sheets, swaddle velcro things, cloth diapers, a breast pump, blah, blah, blah, the list could truly become endless.  He has a ton of clothes and yes, I did wash them all.  Peter couldn't get over all the itty bitty clothes he pulled out of the dryer.

So they say that at 33 weeks, LB is keeping his eyes open while awake.  He's also starting to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing.  His bones are hardening, and he's going through major brain development.  They say that my metabolic rate is through the roof, and if I'm honest, I have yet to experience too many hot flashes - maybe at night? But it's still extremely rare for me to be hot - maybe I have poor circulation because I am more often cold than hot. And in regards to headaches, I have yet to experience these even though the doctor has me on some medication to open up my blood vessels and they said the side effects would be headaches.  So I suppose I lucked out!  Shortness of breath is a definite issue, but I think I mentioned that last week, and I slept sitting up for the first time last night, and it was a dream!  I definitely woke up and switched to my side, but kind of felt good to not put pressure on my hips or my shoulders.  So we shall see if that lasts longer than one sleep.

Peter spent the morning rubbing my belly and gasping in amazement when he felt LB move.  Peter was so funny this morning...he kept saying, LB kick if you like the name "insert name", LB kick if you want to sleep next to mummy, LB kick if get the point.  Let's just say Little Buddy does not like moving on command.

Anyhow, another week has flown by and for that we are thankful!  Thanks so much for all your prayers - our little boy is so blessed beyond belief.


Malia, Peter and LB

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