February 12, 2013

The Little Things.

I know, I know, I have become one of those mom's that only posts pictures of her baby!!  I keep trying to think of other things to take pictures of, but when you aren't left with that many photo opportunities, other than those of your baby, then this is what happens.

Little Buddy was gifted this little cushion for tummy time, and considering he's not ready for tummy time, I have found another use for it - lounging time.  It's like a mini boppy for babies!

I have started to figure out how to get things done without disturbing the baby!  So I just transport him via his cushion or a pillow to where I am.  And a friend also let me borrow a sling considering all the carriers I have are too big for LB, so I have been carrying baby around in the sling - nice to have my hands free.  And yes, that is Nashville, and yes I have been watching quite a few TV series these days - Nashville, Homeland, Hart of Dixie, Revenge, Scandal, Deception...I have missed some episodes, but what's a girl to do with herself when she's pumping or when baby is sleeping or when she's cleaning, etc - you get the point! Any suggestions???

Little Buddy in his cute hat!!  So thankful for this little hat - he wears it all the time, probably because the little guy doesn't have a choice.  Thankfully the talented hat maker has said she would make him another.  Can't wait to get my hands on that one.

And the grandparents came to visit...do you think they enjoyed themselves??  And let's just say they shoved us out the door to run errands so that we wouldn't be breathing down their necks while they oohed and aahed over him!  Peter and I were racking our brains trying to figure out what to do with ourselves...and guess what we did?  We went shopping...first stop REI and to buy Peter a new backpack...second stop Babies R' Us (Peter's worst nightmare) where we bought a mirror for the car so we can check on LB and so I don't have to ride in the backseat anymore!!

And our first walk around Greenlake with the baby!  Such a pretty night and LB was so good - and we love our stroller which is the Baby Jogger City Select.  It took me ages to land on a stroller and I must say this video helped me decide between the Baby Jogger and the Uppababy.

And I bought LB a little snuggle suit.  Found it at Macy's - originally $34 and on sale for $6.95.  Granted it is a suit for newborns, but it's still big on him, and yes, I know the seasons are changing, but I figured he can wear it through Spring.  Plus, I used a gift certificate to pay for it - I always love that!

So that's all I have for this past week folks!  I am loving being at home with our babe and the time it allows me to do small things like make dinner, clean the house, do laundry, contemplate life, etc.  Taking each day as it comes and cherishing each and every bit of it.


Malia and LB

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