March 25, 2013

The Little Things.

I must say having a smart phone is such a fabulous thing for so many reasons, but one of my favorite reasons is for the camera (and the GPS - can't forget that!  It has saved me many times from getting lost).  I take SO many photos with my phone and probably around 50% of them are simply terrible photos considering I'm still learning how to use the camera.  Yes, I know, it's not that hard, but so many of my photos turn out blurry, and it sucks.  So I take alot of photos just hoping that one of them will turn out okay.

Here are some of the little things that brought me joy this past week.  
And thankfully I was able to capture some photos of those joy filled moments.

 First time visiting Grandpa at work!

First time running errands with Jack and decided to buy myself some new clothes.  That definitely brought me joy.  Running errands with a baby and trying clothes on with said baby in a Moby wrap is the WORST idea ever.  I had to unwrap Jack and set him down on the bench behind me.  Definitely an accomplishment I will gladly celebrate.  Let's just say I will not be doing that again.  Note to self - bring the stroller next time.  That is if there will be a next time.

First trip to the grocery store with baby in tow, and I of course rewarded myself with a donut.

Mr. Mom with baby - downtown Seattle.  On our way to have dinner with some friends.

Jack's happy face during said dinner with friends.  Let's just say we were excited to get him home!

Little baby feet and baby booties.

 The cutest little shop in Ballard with some gorgeous fabrics!  And I loved all the little decorations.  Drygood Designs - check them out.  They even have a sewing room with all sorts of classes. 

 A few of my consignment store finds from Me 'n Moms in Ballard - I think he likes his hand more than the vest.  And yes, I know the hat is too big on him, but I just couldn't resist!

Jack and his little sock monkey.  Isn't he just precious??

First fire of the season - Jack was with us in spirit via his baby monitor.  He looks kind of creepy on that screen doesn't he?  You can see the top of his head and his little hat and part of his face.

Jack's first visit to the Arboretum.  

I think he enjoyed himself, but who really knows right?  
He looks so mischievous doesn't he?  Absolutely loving his new hat!

And that's all for now folks - Happy Monday!  May it be blessed.



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