So the rumors are have already surpassed your three month birthday and I am left wondering what the heck?? How have three months passed us by already? If I'm honest, the past three months have been a bit of a blur...a bit of a dream...a beautiful dream, but a dream nonetheless. And I had to post about it before you turned 4 months in just a few weeks!
When I look at you..I'm in utter awe at how perfect you are. I can't imagine our life without you in it. It's crazy..or cray cray as your dad would say. You amaze us each and every day with your growth, and you are starting to bust out of some of your outfits, which brings me so much joy!! I have actually retired a few those newborn onesies and a few outfits. And like I have said before..from here on out you will just continue growing, growing, and growing some more.
We still call you all the names listed - bubba, bubby, bugsy, buddy, Little Buddy, Jack Attack, and we have even added a new one to the mix - Super Ja Ja. I'd say don't ask, but I know where this one came from. Your dad made this one up - after you were wearing a bib that looked a bit like a cape.
You love to eat and you aren't spitting up nearly as much as you use to. You LOVE your hands!! And you love sucking on your hands - bye bye pacifier, hello self soother! Truly though, his hands are always up by his face and he has busted out of his velcro swaddles so many times. I call him little Houdini. You have actually started to like baths, and I am basing this off the fact that you don't cry when we put you in the water! You are such a wiggle worm and you are so strong!
You hate sunlight. And always have a frowny face on when we put you in the light. I'm hoping this will change with time because what child of mine hates the sun?? C'mon Jack! Or maybe it's just that he's so unfamiliar with it that he can't help but frown at this unfamiliar thing.
So many milestones this month - you had your first blowout and let's just say mom was very thankful she brought a change of clothes! Oh it was nasty! It was on your pants and I thought it was just pee, but then when I took your pants off, yikes it was all over your onesie and down your leg. N.A.S.T.Y!! Let's see, what else? You grabbed your little feet (only did this once, but hey it's still a milestone!!) and you have started batting at objects in front of you. You (and I) survived my first day back at work, and your first time with a real babysitter (someone other than family). This is probably more of a milestone for the babysitter considering she was watching two babies at one time!! What an accomplishment, I must say.
Some random facts - your Irish grandparents came to visit this month!! Such a blessing! And you are in cloth diapers exclusively, unless someone is watching you that isn't all that comfortable with cloth diapers, then I have disposables for those folks. So I suppose I should say you are in cloth diapers exclusively when your dad and I are changing you. And if I'm honest, I think they are super easy once you get the hang of them and once you get a washing system down. I don't know why more people don't use them. You go to sleep somewhere between 7-8, and we feed you again before we go to bed, somewhere between 10-11, and then you are now sleeping until somewhere between 3-4 AM, which is AMAZING!! And then you wake up somewhere between 5:45-6:45 AM, which is WAY too early for my liking, but I truly say whatever simply because you are only waking up once in the middle of the night. You still have gas issues, and it truly wakes you up out of your slumber, which makes me sad, but you don't really grunt anymore. However, your farts can be extremely loud, which just makes me laugh to be honest.
Oh son, your dad and I love you so very much - pee, poop, farts and all, we will take it all if it means we can have you. Thank you son for the past 3 months, and thank you Jesus for the beautiful son you have blessed us with!!
Until next month, which is really in just a few weeks.
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