May 12, 2013

Little Buddy: four months

So you are now 4 months and 7 days old!  And we went to the doctor on Friday and you weighed 11 lbs 15 oz - I can't even believe you have nearly tripled your birth rate.  What an accomplishment.  You are 23.25 inches long and your head circumference is 42 inches.  And let's just say that head circumference is on the larger side.  For your adjusted age (due date) you are in the 25th percentile for height, 20th for weight and 75th for head circumference.

So much has changed over the past month!  You are so incredibly active - wiggling all the time and swatting at all the little objects on your activity gym.  You're starting to make all sorts of noises.  You still loves your hands.  Sometimes we find you just staring at them, completely enthralled.  It's all rather amusing. And you love sucking on your hands - all the time.  And you drool now too - lucky us!

You love your activity mat and hanging out in your car seat.  You love being held, but you also love your time alone to explore the things around you.  You love staring at yourself in the mirror.  You love your sound machine and your eyes start to roll back soon after I turn it on.

You still hate cold hands and you especially hate when you spit up out your nose.  You abhor tummy time!  You are a pretty agreeable baby, so I can't really think of too many things that you think are just terrible.  However, I can definitely think of something your dad's not a huge fan of...changing your diaper!!  He is such a champ, and so very willing to do it, but let's just say he does a few fist pumps in the air when you have a wet diaper and not a poopy one.  Your poopy ones make him gag, and he keeps saying he is going to buy gloves and a nose peg, but he has yet to do it, so it can't be THAT bad right!  And he hasn't vetoed diaper changes entirely, so maybe he's getting use to the lovely smells that are so uniquely yours.

You still aren't sleeping all that long at night time - maybe four hour stretches?  We can't wait till those stretches are just a little bit longer!!  You grabbed your feet twice - not that I'm counting or anything.  You are extremely curious and hardly nap during the day.

Random Facts.  Your aunt Ruth is visiting this month!  She has been here a week already, and she has been such a huge help.  She is the last of our scheduled visitors, and once she leaves we may have to seriously start talking about transitioning you into your crib considering you are still sleeping in our room.  I'm still obsessed with your cloth diapers, obviously, and I need to start photographing you with clothes ON considering I'm not too sure how you will feel about all the half naked photos later in life.  Your gas issue is nearly gone entirely, and you really aren't too fussy.  But you are still an early riser!  At least it's light outside now so it doesn't quite feel like it's still night time, but it is still far TOO early for my liking - 5 or 6 AM??  Yikes!

The Dr. confirmed on Friday what we already are THRIVING!  And we couldn't be more proud of you and all that you have accomplished in four short months.  We love you so much Jack Emmet, and I feel blessed to be your mom.



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