May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day.

Happy Mother's Day to all those moms out there - new and old.  You have no idea just how cherished and loved you are, and I hope you get a glimpse of how deep that love runs today.  Thank you for loving your children well.  It is an honor to walk amongst you.

Today marks a big day for me I First Mother's Day!  And the strange thing is, I know I have a son, but it seems strange saying I'm someone's mom.  It hasn't sunk in fully yet.  I am a mother.  This is a new title and role that I add to the end of my name now, yet I wonder why it's hard for me to fully comprehend this new fact.

Maybe it's because I have only been a mom for 4 months, and it's still so very new, or maybe it's because I haven't heard my little guy call me mom yet, or maybe it's because I have a mom and it's strange to think that I'm now someones mom and that my mom is now a grandma!  How did that happen??  Don't answer that, we know how it all happened, but you get the point.

I just have to say it is an honor being a mom!  I mean what an incredible role the Lord has blessed us with - such a beautiful privilege to raise up this child in our home in hopes that he may come to know His true Father.  It just blows my mind.

And I must say that little buddy blows my mind with his cuteness.  We cover him in kisses and he covers us with spit up...I mean smiles.  There truly is nothing sweeter.

And I am his mom.  I remember having a conversation with a dad who has three daughters, while I was pregnant, and I was talking about us having a boy, and how I was a little nervous because I wouldn't be able to relate with him on certain things, and the dad just smiled and said...yeah, but you're the mom and you will always be his mom.

And it's true isn't it?  I am the mom.  I am the one who carried him for 34 weeks.  I am the one who has a scar on my tummy to mark his entrance into the world. I am the one who will most likely have saggy boobs after LB is done with them.  I am the only woman he smells regularly, the one whose hair he pulls on, the one who endures those smelly, stinky diapers and wipes his little bum, I am the one who gets up in the middle of the night, the one who comforts him when he's sad, the one who is definitely sleep deprived.  I am the mom.

And yet it is strange to be the one celebrated simply because I have been celebrating another for so many years now! And isn't she just lovely??

A huge thank you to my own mother for showing me how to love unconditionally.  You have loved us so well and your love runs so very deep.  You have always been so patient and extended so much grace.  And you have shown us the importance of true joy, laughter, and a beautiful friendship with your spouse.  Here's to you mom!!  Can't wait to celebrate you later today.  We love you so much!



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