October 21, 2013

Little Buddy: Eight months!

your 8 month photo montage

(I wrote this post months ago, and I'm just now getting around to finishing it!  You are now 9.5 months, and I have yet to post your 9 month post - everything takes me a little bit longer these days!)

Another month has gone by (7 month post), and I know I say this every month, but where has the time gone?  You are way past the halfway point to turning a year old, and when I look at you now, it's hard to even fathom that you weighed 4 lbs at one point in time.  Sometimes I wish I could put your 4 lb self next to your now 17 (? - this is just a guess) lb self.  I don't think I will ever fully grasp how small you were when you were born considering all the babies you were surrounded with in the NICU were even smaller than you!  I'll never forget coming into your room at the NICU and seeing the word MOOSE written on the little white board next to your weight once you passed the 5 lb mark.  And that seems like a lifetime ago.

 from two months to eight months

You still love to eat - and you have loved all the solids we have introduced into your life.  You have had carrots, apples, pears, broccoli, cauliflower, blueberries, and other items for the first time - you absolutely LOVE bananas and ate half a banana in one sitting.  There isn't a single thing you have turned your nose up at, and you open your mouth like a little birdie - ready and waiting.  You absolutely love meal times and it's so fun to see you grabbing for the spoon, already so anxious to feed yourself.

You had your first session with the OT - and she has been helpful, giving us tools to encourage you to sit up on your own and teething toy ideas (a carrot!).  And you are doing so much better with sitting up, but you can only hold yourself up for so long until you topple over to your side.  And we have also started to let you scoot around on the hardwood floors at her recommendation as well, and you LOVE that!

One of the best parts of this month was the fact that you finally got to meet your Uncle Mark!!!  He stayed with us for a few months and we were so blessed to have him with us!  And your dad and I even had a few date nights - what a blessing that was.  And your friend Beau arrived!  You looked like a giant next to his tiny, newborn, 9 lb. body! Congrats again to the Nygards!

This month has been rough in the sleep department, along with the month prior (and the month after - but that's for the 9 month post).  I have completely forgotten what a "good night sleep" actually looks like.  However, some nights you only wake up twice instead of three or four times, and I find myself always trying to replicate it.  We have started to put you to bed even earlier (asleep by 7), and if I'm honest, I think it has made a difference.

What else?  We have started calling you by your name more out of fear that you don't know it considering we call you Bubba all the time.  I suppose we don't want you to have an identity crisis!

Love his little faces.

Go Dawgs!  Starting him young!

Until next time...hoping that next time is sooner rather than later!!



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